Helpful Score: 2
A classic. Any nature lover, anyone in touch with natural rhythms that cares about the world around us must read!
Emma R. (treearch) reviewed A Sand County Almanac with Essays on Conservation from Round River on + 5 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 2
This is my all time favorite book. Leopold environmental philosophy was mature for his time. He had a passion for the Midwest landscape without having a political agenda. Leopold foretold the downhill slide of Midwest faming and it effect both environmentally and economically. His stern warning is found in the midst of a beautiful description of the rolling prairies of the Midwest.

Helpful Score: 2
Possibly the -best- bit of nature writing ever produced

Helpful Score: 2
Aldo Leopold's landmark classic of conservationism and wilderness management, this book is an entertaining read. Steeped in wilderness management and the craft of living outdoors, Leopold's essays enlighten and educate without seeming like a lecture.
Sally T. (mapster) reviewed A Sand County Almanac with Essays on Conservation from Round River on + 67 more book reviews
Environmental writing at its best.

One of the most beloved books about how to cherish the earth we live on. Insightful, thoughtful and the begining of an entire new realm of science.