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Topic: "sandwich" caregiving

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r801 avatar
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Subject: "sandwich" caregiving
Date Posted: 5/19/2016 12:39 PM ET
Member Since: 9/12/2007
Posts: 690
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I am sure there are many of us "out here". Caring for a special needs adult child and an aging parent. My mom has parkisons and moved in with s about a year ago. Beginning to notice some dementia.  My oldest son is a special needs adult who will probably live at home for a long time. Love them all, love my life.......but what a blessing this site is!  My mom loves to read, but began loosing library books. After having to pay crazy prices for those two lost books, I began to more aggressively list and swap here.  Love all the great books we have been getting in the mail!! Crazy days some days, but as someone told me, keep in mind if getting frustrated with your mom........"will it matter in 5 years?"  Nope, so enjoy today best as you can (and read a LOT!) We could all learn a lot from that statement!

cynd avatar
Date Posted: 4/20/2017 1:04 AM ET
Member Since: 4/4/2010
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I'm right there with you Sharon and I understand what you are going thru.  I know that when we are done with this challenge we will come out the other side of it stronger, more loving human beings and that is a great blessing indeed.  May you have the patience and strength to handle what each day brings you.

This site has been a tremendous blessing to me as well.  It's given me the best friendships I've ever had and more books than I will ever read.  Reading is the only hobby I make time for and helps bring sanity into my often insane life. 

bookbuggg avatar
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Date Posted: 5/19/2024 10:12 PM ET
Member Since: 6/2/2014
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I'm with you isn't easy.