A nuclear apocalypse almost destroyed Western civilization in 2001, leaving in its place the forbidding world of Deathlands.
The Marchall Islands, once the testing grounds for twentieth-century weapons of mass destruction, remains perversely beautiful. But the infested waters become the battleground for looting pirates and sec men in still-functional navy PT boats, all driven by greed and madness to plunder the predark catches of science and technology hidden in the islands. Ryan Cawdor and his warrior band emerge in the perilous waterworld, caught in a brim fight to unlock the secrets of the past.
I always enjoy stories about Ryan and his band.
The Marchall Islands, once the testing grounds for twentieth-century weapons of mass destruction, remains perversely beautiful. But the infested waters become the battleground for looting pirates and sec men in still-functional navy PT boats, all driven by greed and madness to plunder the predark catches of science and technology hidden in the islands. Ryan Cawdor and his warrior band emerge in the perilous waterworld, caught in a brim fight to unlock the secrets of the past.
I always enjoy stories about Ryan and his band.