Cassie Edwards has outdone herself once again! She makes everything so easy to imagine! Another true love story she has conjured up to send you on a wild adventure!
Monster bones. They were the stuff of Indian legend, which warned that they must not be disturbed. But lovely, golden-haired Dayanara and her father were on a mission for the Smithsonian Institute to track down the mysterious bones and uncover them, despite the danger. Not even her father's untimely death or a disapproving and disturbingly handsome Indian chief could prevent Dayanara from exploring the untamed Cree lands west of the Missouri River and proving her worth as an archaeologist.
Forbidden. Any relationship between a Cree chief and a white woman was prohibited by both their peoples, but the golden woman of Quick Fox's dreams was more glorious than the setting sun. How could he deny himself her bright beauty, her soft warmth? Not even her interest in the sacred burial grounds of his people could prevent him from discovering the delights they would know together and proving his... Savage Love.
Forbidden. Any relationship between a Cree chief and a white woman was prohibited by both their peoples, but the golden woman of Quick Fox's dreams was more glorious than the setting sun. How could he deny himself her bright beauty, her soft warmth? Not even her interest in the sacred burial grounds of his people could prevent him from discovering the delights they would know together and proving his... Savage Love.
Dayanara was on a mission from the Smithsonian Institute to discover the sacred monster bones and prove herself as an archaeologist. These were the stuff indian legends were made of. As she explored the ancient burial grounds, she and the Cree Chief discovered a savage love.
I'm sorry, but I can't help but lol at this cover :)