Helpful Score: 2
In just over five years of syndication, Calvin and Hobbes has become an American comic strip sensation - touching the hearts (and funny bones) of the millions who read the award-winning strip. One look at the new Calvin and Hobbes collection and it is immediately evident that Bill Watterson's imagination, wit, and sense of adventure continue to be unmatched. In this collection, comprised of cartoons never before published in book form, Calvin and his tiger-striped sidekick Hobbes are hilarious whether the two are simply lounging around philosophizing about the future of mankind or plotting their latest money-making scheme. Chock-full of the familiar adventures of Spaceman Spiff, the latest findings of Dad's popularity poll, and time travel to the Jurrassic Age, Scientific Progress Goes "Boink" is guaranteed to set scientific inquiry back an ean - and advance the reading pleasure of all Calvin and Hobbes fans.
Donna E. (impossible) reviewed Scientific Progress Goes 'Boink': A Calvin and Hobbes Collection on + 3352 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
Through several decades of life I've met quite a few little real Calvins - and Watterson has captured them perfectly with all their delight, whimsicality, annoying propensities, and humor. And, yes, even though Hobbes appears once in a while as a little stuffed animal, I know he's really that big Calvin-bowling-over tiger. Fun and funny.

My son enjoyed this book quite a bit.
Shannon W. (WiseShan) reviewed Scientific Progress Goes 'Boink': A Calvin and Hobbes Collection on + 7 more book reviews
My son loved this book. He read it cover to cover in one day!
Sharon B. reviewed Scientific Progress Goes 'Boink': A Calvin and Hobbes Collection on + 14 more book reviews
One of the BEST of Bill Watterson's Calvin & Hobbes Collection, If you love the comic strip you will love this one, I think everyone see's a little of themself's of thier kids in this book. Get it read it enjoy it and either pass it on or save it for a rainy gloomy day to brighten up your down dreary day