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Topic: Scrap Paper

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esmestohelit avatar
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Subject: Scrap Paper
Date Posted: 8/2/2010 6:47 AM ET
Member Since: 8/10/2009
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I use SAD and I mail most of my dvds in bubble wrap and always use their labels. I trim the paper down so it only had the address and the SAD logo above the address, because of this I have more scrap paper then I could ever use. If anybody wants some let me know! I hate to throw it away and none of my friends or family want it. It's just plain white paper. There 3 sizes: 2in wide x 8in long; 3in wide x 8in long; 1in wide x 3 in long. These are estimates. Some of the longer ones might have SAD logo. I just thought since it's free I could send it to someone who could use it instead of throwing it away. Just send me a pm!

All gone for nowwink

Last Edited on: 8/3/10 5:28 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
quillingsandy avatar
Date Posted: 12/15/2010 9:18 AM ET
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I run all my scraps through the shredder and use it for packing.......smiley

WannaRose avatar
Date Posted: 12/17/2010 8:02 PM ET
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I often wrap the books I send out in scrap paper - rather than traditional recycle I use the "used" paper to wrap...I also tend to reuse envelopes and bubble mailers whenever I can and have been seeing that we have alot of others reusing often too which really makes me happy!

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Subject: the other half of mailing labels
Date Posted: 10/13/2011 9:09 AM ET
Member Since: 3/15/2006
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I have not bought a post it note, to do list, grocery list or shipping label in like 5 years thx to PBS, when I print a label for 1 page like to attach to bubble mailer or box,there is still 1/2 a sheet left after cut shipping label off. These 1/2 sheets of paper r blank on back,so you can attach them to boxes as shipping labels,with a magnet on outside of fridge for grocery list, or post what is in there as snacks, or leftovers to b made into something useful like lunch to go, or to be included in soup or chicken pot pie,or simply on a clipboard as my to do list.Save $ not buying paper I don't need, plus I save a fortune by not wasting food, or energy with myself or kids staring into an open fridge trying 2 find what 2 make,or what to snack on.


Susanaque avatar
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Subject: Scrap paper
Date Posted: 10/15/2011 11:14 AM ET
Member Since: 11/18/2005
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We have a ton of joke! I tear used peices of printer paper into 4 pieces. I have a basket on the desk I store scratch paper in. I have a stack on the shelves above the  desk. I also have a double stack by the kitchen table. That is where I stash mail with the blank side. I don't think I have bought post it's for ever either.


Years ago we went over to the high school  on the last day of school and kidding checked the garbage cans and the recycling bins there. You would be SHOCKED with what we found. We use to get recycled paper that was still blank on one side and cut that up and used it for scratch paper. We would bring bags and bags of it home....that was before we had a comouter and usually didn't think to recycle the mail.

Last Edited on: 7/23/12 12:09 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 10/19/2011 5:23 PM ET
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I don't bother cutting up my scrap paper.  I have SO much of it from my time as a grad student I ended up recycling some of it just to make space.  I think we have years worth in that drawer and we do generate more--about every time the mail comes.

Paper is frustrating as much as we have.  That and plastic drive me nuts. 

I really wish our newspaper came in a usable electronic format.  I'd switch in a heartbeat. 

Veronika avatar
Date Posted: 12/2/2011 11:25 PM ET
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I save junk mail and my kids' homework that is blank on 1 side and use it for printing labels.  I also only print the 1st page and use a "blank" paper for the 2nd page.  We all know what we are supposed to do when we receive a book, so I might as well save the ink.   I use this paper for a lot of other stuff, too, like printing mapquest directions or lists.

While I save a lot of bubble envelopes and boxes, too.  My favorite way to wrap a small book or DVD is to first wrap it in a tough piece of junk mail, like an advertising flyer, then wrap it with the printed label.  I feel really good about reusing paper that would otherwise go to waste and I have never bought anything to wrap a book or DVD.

I can be pretty extreme about conserving anything I possibly can.  It's the way I was raised.


tkhooper avatar
Date Posted: 1/24/2012 10:10 AM ET
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I have a paper making screen so that's where the old paper is going into making new paper.  I add flowers herbs from the garden.