I like that, about putting a good habit in its place - and writing is a great habit to have!
God is every where can you see him in the trees that put forth new life in the flowers that bloom in the birds that sing in the sky of blue in the clouds that float by in the animals that frolic God is every where even in me i pray people can see him in the things that i do I know i do things that arent so smart a cross word here, a frown there a gossip here, and a pointing finger there I thank God that he is stronger than me to take a lowly creature and make her new again to put a new song in her heart and make her glad to live for him. to help her break bad habits { such as smoking} and find a good habit to put in its place. such as a smile here or a good word there a keep my nose in my own business here or pointing a finger at the bible there. To each person who reads this Please keep my husband and I in your prayers we are trying to quit smoking and need all the prayer we can get. Thanks, Joyce |
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