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Topic: Seeking Thriller and Cozy Recs

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Subject: Seeking Thriller and Cozy Recs
Date Posted: 1/14/2021 3:46 PM ET
Member Since: 1/8/2021
Posts: 1
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Any suggestions for great cozy series or good domestic thrillers?

Love cozies with dogs and food, and also mysteries/thrillers. Bonus points if they're on your shelf to swap! :)

entRedRaider avatar
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Date Posted: 1/17/2021 5:50 PM ET
Member Since: 5/21/2008
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Since you specifically mentioned dogs I would recommend the Chet amd Bernie series by Spencer Quinn. It's a PI and his dog but the twist is the dog is the narrator.

Most of the cozies I read are paranormal; not sure if you're interested in those. But Carolyn Hart, Joan Hess,  Nancy Atherton, Earlene Fowler are good non-paranormal authors.

For mysteries some of the maybe less well known authors that I like are Susan Wittig Albert and Nevada Barr.

On my tablet so no links; if you have trouble finding them let me know and I can add later. Happy reading!

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Date Posted: 1/21/2021 5:14 PM ET
Member Since: 9/30/2006
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I always like to give recommendations! :)

Catherine Coulter ~ She has two thriller series, ‘The FBI Series’ and the ‘A Brit in the FBI’ series. There are some cross-characters between the two. She has written a ton of the first one and several of the second. The FBI takes place mostly in the USA, the Brit mostly in the USA, but some outside, mostly in England.

Susan Wittig Albert ~ I second Erin’s recommendation for Susan. Her main series is ‘A China Bayles Mystery.’ She has 3 others which are also really good. A ‘Victorian-Edwardian Series’ which is written with her husband Bill under the name of Robin Paige. A spin-off of one of these is ‘The Cottage Tales of Beatrix Potter.’ We first meet Beatrix in one of the Victorian series. In Cottage Tales, she keeps to dates and happenings in Beatrix’s life, but here Beatrix solves murder mysteries. Lots of animals. The third is ‘The Darling Dahlia’s.’ This is a gardening club i~n the days of the depression. I was so mesmerized by the name of the first novel, ‘The Darling Dahlia’s and the Cucumber Tree.’

Laurien Berenson ~ ‘Melanie Travis’ books. Melanie is involved in showing standard poodles in dog shows. There are not only poodles but a great selection of other dogs throughout. Great series.

Donna Andrews ~ ‘Meg Lanslow’ books. There are always a ton of animals in her books and each title includes the name of some sort of animal, usually birds. The name of the first book is, I think, ‘Murder with Puffins.’

Kate Collins ~ ‘Flower Shop mysteries.’ The main character, Abby, runs a flower shop. A cast of quirky characters adds great personality to the book.

If you want any more, just let me know!