My husband and I listened to this book on a road trip. It was great to listen to and the actress, Reese Witherspoon, did a wonderful job reading and portraying all the character's voices. I thought the writing was well done and the story held my interest right till the end. All that being said, I ended up feeling very disappointed. Disappointed that one main character was missing, disappointed in Atticus, whose actual role is much smaller in this book although his influence on Scout is noted throughout. I guess it is a good portrayal of the sentiments of the south back in the 1950's and at the beginnings of the Civil Rights movement. Maybe I thought this book would be as noble as To Kill a Mockingbird but it really seem to dwell more on the feet of clay of its characters. In the end, I felt like Scout does in the book...betrayed. And I wondered " What was the point?" I prefer to remember the Finch family as they were in Mockingbird, especially Atticus.
I like many had to read /listen to "Go Set A Watchman" because of a love for Mockingbird. Scouts dialogue was too tedious and to make a long story short. Scout comes home to visit and Atticus falls off the hero pedestal that most girls put their parents on. She has an odd abusive uncle that she loves. And as a cliche' ; "you can't go home again". Jean Louise grew up (a little late).
I did not like this story at all. I could not understand what was going on and stopped listening after the first CD.