I like the Chanku series that began in book I, as more thought seems to be put into writing the story. There was enough happening that a whole book could have been written on that alone. Some of it seemed rushed, although not so bad that you feel like you missed something. Fantaisie is just weird, though I give credit for originality. I didn't finish Call of the Wild. It started off good, then beat you over the head with sex. Don't get me wrong - beat me over the head with sex anytime, but put a little plot into it - love maybe. The covers of the Sexy Beast series are worth it alone. YUM!
Chanku are very, very, VERY hot shifters! Be warned, if same sex relationships bother you, stay away.
I loved them all but I think Chanku Fallen in SB2 is my favorite. These are keepers
Chanku series
Wolf Tales
Sexy Beast~Chanku Rising
Wolf Tales II
Wild Nights~~Camille's Dawn
Wolf Tales III
Sexy Beast II~~ Chanku Fallen
Wolf Tales IV
Sexy Beast III~~ Chanku Journey
Wolf Tales V
Sexy Beast IV~~Chanku Destiny
Wolf Tales VI
Sexy Beast V~~Chanku Wild
Wolf Tales VII
Sexy Beast VI~~Chanku Honor
Wolf Tales VIII