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Book List - Sherry

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<?=$who;?> Sherry
List created by Heather B. (Heather-and-Raven) - , on Aug 17, 2020
List Votes: 1 Books: 4 Contributors: 1 Watchers: 0 List Type: Friends
Heather B. (Heather-and-Raven) - ,
Cilka's Journey (Tattooist of Auschwitz, Bk 2) by Heather Morris
Her beauty saved her -- and condemned her. Cilka is just sixteen years old when she is taken to Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp in 1942, where the commandant immediately notices how beautiful she is. Forcibly separated from the other women prisoners, Cilka learns quickly that power,...  more

Book Votes: 0
Heather B. (Heather-and-Raven) - ,
Welcome to the United States of Anxiety: Observations from a Reforming Neurotic by Je...
Author Jen Lancaster is here to help you chill the hell out. When did USA become shorthand for the United States of Anxiety? From the moment Americans wake up, we’re bombarded with all-new terrifying news about crime, the environment, politics, and stroke-inducing foods we’ve...  more

Book Votes: 0
Heather B. (Heather-and-Raven) - ,
Wow, No Thank You.: Essays by Samantha Irby
Samantha Irby is forty and increasingly uncomfortable in her own skin despite what inspirational instagram infographics have promised her. This is the life of a Hallmark Channel dream. She goes on bad dates with new friends, spends weeks in Los Angeles taking meetings with TV executives/amateur...  more

Book Votes: 0
Heather B. (Heather-and-Raven) - ,
You Blew It!: An Awkward Look at the Many Ways in Which You've Already Ruined Your Li...
A hilarious examination of faux pas for readers of Allie Brosh?s Hyperbole and a Half and Jenny Lawson?s Let?s Pretend This Never Happened Humankind is doomed. Especially you.   It?s already too late. From overstaying your welcome at a party, to leaving passive-aggressive post-its on your...  more

Book Votes: 0

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Comment added 8/17/20 by Sherry C. (Sherry) - , :
It's a pass on these 3 :-(

Comment added 8/17/20 by Heather B. (Heather-and-Raven) - , :
Comment deleted 10/19/20 by Heather B. (Heather-and-Raven) - ,