Date Posted: 8/26/2014 9:06 AM ET
Member Since: 4/19/2008 Posts:
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Life is a carnival in Barrel Proof This weekend's Pot Hole Festival was held despite merciless heat Real feel temperatures were into the 110-115 range as Cassidy Rowdy Nailed six consecutive hub caps from 150 yards to win the shooting contest "I only kilt the foreign ones" bragged Cassidy "I don't mess wid Made in America" When told by one of our bsnews reporters that most Fords were made in Mexico Cassidy whirred and blasted a Ford Focus cap, and then shot it a second time As it frisbeed through the air, scattering a clutch of Turkey Buzzards The Buzzards will be featured next week at the Road Kill Festival Barrel Proof first came into the headlines when it's Mayor King Rodney decreed that all citizens over the age of 18 must be armed Lyle Lovett and Kinky Friedman are frequent guest at the various festivals Lovett was the Grand Marshal of the "Buzzard Return to Barrel" parade Along with a pared down version of his big band The Road Kill festival will feature over 50 species of animals Mowed down over the past 3 months A cook-off will follow