She was as wild as the rugged Wyoming Territory of her birth,all woman,primal and exciting,a platinum-haired enchantress who dressed and rode like a man.No one had ever threatened Jessica Randall's independence-until the stranger called Segundo led her into the uncharted world of the senses,compelling her to trust,to yield,to love with a passion she never knew she possessed.
I really enjoyed reading this book.
This novel had the same stereotypical romance novel beginning (Alpha male makes man-hating super feminist woman look like a temper-tantrum throwing child) that caused me to take a break from new (at least to me) romance authors for a while. It seemed to redeem itself when the character Meg was introduced and she and Sean connected. Then, out of the blue, Duncan's 15 year old, inexperienced, immature sister appears and Sean's madly in love with her. What? I had to go back to make sure I didn't miss something. I can't understand why the author decided to dump the only strong woman in the book to replace her with a 15 year old child.
This is a good light read for summer. I enjoy this author because she actual has a plot and doesn't write in the typical romance style.