A fictional drama set against the time of Henry III, and his brother Richard, the Earl of Cornwall. Quite a lot of historical data to keep the Anglophiles content, with a good bit of war, treachery, and romance against impossible odds.
I was expecting the usual "chick book" for a light read, but it sent me to Google and my reference books a few times, and I have read quite a lot of historical novels.
Solid characters with their own flaws, and a handsome villian, all gripped me more than I would have thought from the "typical" cover art!
I was expecting the usual "chick book" for a light read, but it sent me to Google and my reference books a few times, and I have read quite a lot of historical novels.
Solid characters with their own flaws, and a handsome villian, all gripped me more than I would have thought from the "typical" cover art!