Helpful Score: 22
I enjoyed this book to a ridiculous degree. I have a major soft-spot for quirky, "cozy" mysteries so I read quite a bit of them. Lately I've noticed a trend towards more immature and/or dimwitted heroines, and I am SO happy to say that is not what happens here! Kendra is a smart, resourceful character that doesn't whine and does everything in her power to solve her problems. When she meets up with a sexy P.I., she doesn't fall in love- she acknowledges the physical side but does not let it go farther than she's ready for or wants. I also adored all the scenes with the pets, from the cute puppies to the emotional python! If you love strong heroines, "cozy" mysteries and/or animals- snap this book up. I'm now dying to pick up the rest of the series, and I hope she doesn't stop writing it anytime soon!
Helpful Score: 8
The first of the Pet Sitter Mysteries. I plan to read them all.
From stopyourekillingme.com:
Kendra Ballantyne, an attorney and freelance pet sitter, is featured in:
Sit, Stay, Slay (2005)
Nothing to Fear but Ferrets (2005)
Fine-Feathered Death (2006)
Meow is for Murder (due February 6, 2007)
From FantasticFiction.com:
Canned from her L.A. law firm, Kendra Ballantyne is now a freelance pet-sitter. When her clients start getting knocked off one by one, Kendra fears she's being set up. Aided by sexy detective Jeff Hubbard, she's got to find out why, and fast. This killer's animal instincts are downright dangerous.
From stopyourekillingme.com:
Kendra Ballantyne, an attorney and freelance pet sitter, is featured in:
Sit, Stay, Slay (2005)
Nothing to Fear but Ferrets (2005)
Fine-Feathered Death (2006)
Meow is for Murder (due February 6, 2007)
From FantasticFiction.com:
Canned from her L.A. law firm, Kendra Ballantyne is now a freelance pet-sitter. When her clients start getting knocked off one by one, Kendra fears she's being set up. Aided by sexy detective Jeff Hubbard, she's got to find out why, and fast. This killer's animal instincts are downright dangerous.
Helpful Score: 6
This is the first in a series about a lawyer that is suspended and has to find a way to make ends meet so ends up becoming a pet sitter. She has a friend that runs a Pet Spa and hooks her up with some clients who happen to be some former clients while she was a practicing attorney. Some end up dead and she has to figure out who and why...she does with the help of a new man in her life who is also a PI and a pet sitting client.
If you like dogs/animals you'll probably like this book. Good cozy mystery
If you like dogs/animals you'll probably like this book. Good cozy mystery
Helpful Score: 3
Amusing cozy with a focus on pets - primarily dogs, but other species make a prominent contribution. The mystery was intriguing right to the end.
A fun, easy to read book! The story has plenty of pets for the animal lover, mystery for the armchair slueth, and a touch of romance for the romantic. I'll be reading more of Johnston's Pet-Sitter Mysteries.