Helpful Score: 4
Heavy on military details. A completely different take on the King Arthur legend.

Helpful Score: 1
I really enjoyed this first book of the Camulod Chronicles. Knowing the basics of the King Arthur stories, I found it interesting to see how some of the 'future' ledge is ribboned through this story. The characters and storyline is interestingly developed. I am looking forward to reading more of this series.
Helpful Score: 1
I found the history of the Romans at the end of their occupation of 400 years interesting. Whyte uses extensive historical notes to underpin this novel. The characters, however, are fairly dull, and the women are pure cardboard. The female characters exist purely for the men's sexual needs, ruining what might otherwise be a great historical series.
This is an Arthurian book. It deals with two Romans-Publius Varrus and Caius Britannicus-who elected to remain behind in Britannia after the legions left in an effort to lead the tribes of the warring Picts, Celts, and Saxons into civilization by example. They are the great-grandfathers of Arthur, and through them is forged the state of the nation in which Arthur finds himself upon his entrance into life.
This is a great book! This is the way I like to learn about history. Even though it has only some history in it. It makes it easier to remember the events and people that are real.
So Arthur pulled the Sword from the stone. And Camelot came to be. This the story of the time before that. The time where the pre conditions were formed that resulted in Camelot. Very enjoyable.
Very entertaining, likeable of the best books I've read in a long time!
Great beginning to what promises to be a wonderful series.
A coworker turned me on to The Camulod Chronicles, of which this is the first book and I loved it. Can hardly wait to get the next one.

I really enjoyed this historical novel. Perhaps because I've always---well, mostly---enjoyed reading novels from the Roman Empire era. This one takes place near the end of that era and continues onward with its series, of which this is the first book.
And I agree with a review quote on the front cover, which states: "An extraordinary story, totally original...." in that I've never come across a story line like this before. Plus, the characters are well developed, and the events which take place are believable and within the historical context.
And I agree with a review quote on the front cover, which states: "An extraordinary story, totally original...." in that I've never come across a story line like this before. Plus, the characters are well developed, and the events which take place are believable and within the historical context.
My brother's book. He said it was fantastic.
Historical fiction about the time before King Arthur and Camelot when Britain was a dark and deadly place, savaged by warring factions of Picts, Celts, and invading Saxons. Two men -- Arthur's great- grandfathers help shape a nation and forge a sword known as Excaliber.
Book one in this imaginative, historical series about the birth of the King Arthur saga during the last days of the Roman occupation in Britain.
I can't really say that I liked it or didn't. I never got past the 5 th page.
The cover is diffrent! But same book!
Before the time of Arthur and Camelot, Britain had became a dark and deadly place, savaged by warring factions of Picts,Celts and invading saxons.
Before the time of Arthur and Camelot, Britain had became a dark and deadly place, savaged by warring factions of Picts,Celts and invading saxons.