Linda K. (lhasalover) reviewed Soul of a Dog: Reflections on the Spirits of the Animals of Bedlam Farm on + 203 more book reviews
I loved this book. I am a mild Jon Katz fan. I like the pondering thru stories about the animals on his farm and the capabilities. I think anyone who has lived with animal comtemplates that inner workings. Jon talks about Elvis the cow and his winning ways which saved him from the slaughter house and lives on Jon's farm. Jon feeds him Snickers bars daily. Mother the cat who is loving with Jon but preys on the bird feeders. He sees her in the fields torturing her prey. The unbelievable Rose who really runs the farm like clockwork. Rose the dog is really the foredog. If you are an animal lover, this is a must read. Enjoy.

As usual, Jon Katz presents a thought-provoking read. Love that he his open to so many different possibilities.

This book is very different from his other animal stories. It still has lots of stories about his animals at Bedlam Farm - but also goes into the conversation of "Do animals have souls?" Interesting reading - but I'm sure you (as I do) have your own ideas if our pets will be waiting to greet us in Heaven.