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Topic: Have you started any plants yet?

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louieg avatar
Subject: Have you started any plants yet?
Date Posted: 3/16/2013 10:20 PM ET
Member Since: 1/12/2011
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I am patiently waiting for the first Saturday in April to get here so I can get some tomatoes started. The way this winter has been, I don't think I'll be able to get away with sneaking any delicate plants into the garden before Memorial Day weekend like I have the past few years. I'll also be starting some melon and squash plants but probably not until the middle of April.

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Date Posted: 3/21/2013 12:49 AM ET
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Was just thinking I am behind the curve in starting my seeds (again).   Was spreading mulch in my raised beds and discovered that volunteer tomatoes are already coming up due to a poor job of clean-up after last fall.   Also found a couple of volunteer sunflower plants, a few allysum and a couple of nast urtiums.    nasturtisms.   

sandnoceangirl avatar
Date Posted: 3/26/2013 6:15 AM ET
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The only thing I've got in the ground is rhubarb. Going to wait a couple more weeks before planting anything else.
craftnut avatar
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Date Posted: 4/1/2013 4:56 PM ET
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I have to wait until May to be safe from frost.  It has been known to snow in April here.

louieg avatar
Date Posted: 4/2/2013 12:29 PM ET
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I can't plant anything outside for probably at least 6 weeks yet, but I started some tomato seeds inside over Easter weekend. The very first year I tried to start tomatoes from seed they turned out great and I didn't have a grow light or anything. Since then, I've struggled to get anything to work until finally last year I got some nice plants finally. Hopefully they'll be even better this year, I can always hope.

Catspaw avatar
Date Posted: 4/6/2013 10:28 AM ET
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I've got my tomato plants in the ground already.  We have a really short growing season here in Texas (temperature issues), but I bought some heat hardy varieties this year.  We'll see. 

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Subject: started them in the greenhouse
Date Posted: 4/11/2013 7:17 PM ET
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I am growing a lot more this year have talked to more people who want to buy them.


Cosmina avatar
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Date Posted: 4/13/2013 10:28 AM ET
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Yea, I have all my little seedlings growing.  Tomatoes under lights and I gave the extras to my neighbor.  8 different kinds of peppers.  The greenhouse has changed my life because before it, I could never grow peppers or tomatoes without lots of night covers.   Even then, not much results. 

Also, tomatillos and cabbage and basil seedlings going.

The artichokes are already up in the greenhouse as well as the radiccio and mints. 

My new thing this year is hibiscus grown for tea.  We shall see.  I don't think it is a huge flowering type like the hibiscus grown for beauty.  Also, I started some lemon grass seeds.  Very low gemination on both these specialty seeds. 

Cosmina avatar
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Date Posted: 4/14/2013 5:28 PM ET
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Put in the onions sets today. 

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Date Posted: 4/23/2013 8:10 AM ET
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We still have some light frosty nights here, but yesterday I started some seeds:  scallions, parsely, radishes, red lettuce, kale, green beans, baby romaine, bell peppers, chives and marigolds.  I don't have much of a green thumb (yet), but I enjoy trying every year.  Last year I did well with grape tomatoes, scallions, and baby eggplants, so I'm being more adventurous.   

Cosmina avatar
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Date Posted: 4/24/2013 3:23 PM ET
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I started growing scallions for the first time four years ago and can not believe how good they are compared to the ones in the store.  And if you cover them with straw over the winter, they will be there again next year and bloom for seeds and early onions.

louieg avatar
Date Posted: 5/3/2013 2:11 PM ET
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It's just NOT warming up here in Minnesota this year. It's only 41 degrees right now, supposed to get up to 49 but I doubt we'll make it. I guess we're just going to skip spring and go straight into summer. My garden is all tilled up and ready to go but it's way too cold to plant anything yet, I sure hope it warms up in the next couple of weeks so I can get things in on time.

lody avatar
Date Posted: 5/7/2013 12:40 PM ET
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We started planting last month... as a result, our dining table is full of (mini) pots. LOL Yesterday, we transferred 4 tomatoes outside. I can't wait for IA weather to warm up so I can plant everything outside.

So far we have a bunch of rutgers tomatoes, assorted peppers (sweet banana, habanero, jalapeno, daredevil, etc.), zuchini (blooming already... LOL), black beauty eggplants, and herbs (cilantro & parsley). This is the first year I planted herbs and they're doing really good so far. 

We'll be planting more tomatoes (cherry, etc.), greens (mustard, and bok choy), okra, cucumbers, green beans, bell peppers... and many more. Planning to have big garden this year.

I'm hoping to find string beans (aka asparagus beans)!

tkhooper avatar
Date Posted: 5/10/2014 9:55 AM ET
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i have the radishes in and should start harvesting the end of May.

Wildhog3 avatar
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Date Posted: 5/11/2014 3:39 PM ET
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It has been fairly alarming around here; ground as dry as powder. watering the whole garden on the 4th of May. But it rained 1 1/2 inches Thursdy, and today it could l ready stand more. I just got my first 60 tomato's transplanted. Also have 20 peppers and four eggplants. Next week I will unlimber the Troy-Bilt tiller and till out the bottom half of the garden and plant cucumbers, squash, beans, more beans. Also need to put first cover spray on apple tree Not much aspargus this year. The grasshoppers stripped the feather-ike leaves last years, so they didn't regain strength to make fat asparagii with. Gonna fertilize them generously, too.

nx74defiant avatar
Date Posted: 5/14/2014 7:34 PM ET
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The weatherman said we will be getting frost this week. Urgggg.

louieg avatar
Date Posted: 5/15/2014 8:55 PM ET
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This has been the most gawd awful spring in years. It's been cold and wet. I bet we haven't gone more than 2 days in a row without rain. Supposed to get down to 28 degrees tonight. We were going to build another raised garden this year but it's been way too wet so we gave up on that idea.

We're supposed to turn the corner on Sunday so hopefully I can still get everything going soon. I've got tomato plants started that really want out now.

lj-florida avatar
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Date Posted: 3/27/2015 2:01 AM ET
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No luck with my lettuce, cilantro, chard and marigold seeds. They sprouted and promptly died. As usual. Sigh.

I'll wait a few weeks and buy plants again this year. Why do I suck at starting from seed????