I had been using another devotion book with my kids, but I switched over to this one as soon as I got it -- this one is much better, in my opinion. I like the fact that it presents a hypothetical (but realistic) situation, and then a multiple-choice question about how the kid in the situation should respond. I've been impressed that my kids seem to know the "right" answers! Not only that, but the book gives a Bible verse to look up, to see how the Bible says a person should handle such a situation. So it's not just me saying what's right, it's the Word of God!
This was a fun family devotion book that worked for several ages and prompted good discussions. Our kids were new to family devotions but liked the multiple choice answers and discussing what made the wrong answers wrong. Our kids were a little young for the book (the recommended ages are 6-10 not 4-8 as listed at pbs) but we were able to modify it to work. It's not too outdated, we only had to change terms like "video store" a few times. Highly recommend.