What a bittersweet conclusion... a (mostly) happy ending for all and a lot of fun to read. I read this in more or less one sitting - bathroom breaks for the puppy were about my only distraction. I knew how all the sadness was going to settle around the characters... I just wish that remaining books had more about how these characters ended up... Though I do believe that Firesong appears in the "Owl" books - though he might have a different name, I think. I guess I mostly just wish that the "Owl" trilogy was more to look forward to... But, who knows, maybe a re-read will do these books well. I just have to get over the disappointment that unlike the past nine novels, the next ones don't pick up where they left off with a majority of the characters and settings' stories entwining. And I suppose it should be some motivation that after these "Owl" books, the brand new Mercedes Lackey book awaits me to read it!
The stunning conclusion to the Mage Storms trilogy finds Valdemar on the brink of destruction from magical vibrations in which the mage storms. Recommended for fantasy collections with a series following.
set in Mercedes Lackey's "Valdemar" universe. The mage storms series is interesting but it doesn't have the same energy as Lackey's other books.
How the various peoples of the world finally succeed in stopping the approaching second Cataclysm.