Assassins and Wizards and Dragons, Oh My!
A good rollicking tale. My only beef was how easy it was to find Bruennors "lost" homeland. If it had really been that simple, it would have been found much earlier. But whatever, this isn't high quality lit.
A good rollicking tale. My only beef was how easy it was to find Bruennors "lost" homeland. If it had really been that simple, it would have been found much earlier. But whatever, this isn't high quality lit.

This is a great story and probably one of my favorites. I love that the Harpells are introduced into the series, as they are a constant source of delight. I also really like that this book does not have any of the "reflections" by Drizzt in it, as his musings tend to annoy me because sometimes it feels like he's looking for a pity party. It's also great because one of the best villains in the series, Artemis Entreri, appears quite often and gets a major role woven into the story.
On the downside though, I was a little irritated by a couple of events that felt like they were taken out of Lord of the Rings. I'm also not a big fan of Regis and Wulfgar because they both have qualities that make them unlikeable as heroes (one's manipulative and the other too cocky), but they still manage to work well in the story so I can overlook them.
On the downside though, I was a little irritated by a couple of events that felt like they were taken out of Lord of the Rings. I'm also not a big fan of Regis and Wulfgar because they both have qualities that make them unlikeable as heroes (one's manipulative and the other too cocky), but they still manage to work well in the story so I can overlook them.