Helpful Score: 7
interesting book. Tells the story of the salem witch trials from 3 fictional points of view. A goodman, his daughter and the mother's sister. One is an accuser, one an accused and one in love with both. The ending was a bit dissapointing.
Helpful Score: 2
Very good work of fiction about the Salem Witch trials.
Helpful Score: 1
From the moment I opened this book I had a hard time putting it down. Susannah Morrow is such a well told story that you find your self pulled right into it. Megan Chance does excellant job of letting you see into the hearts and mind of the puritan community. Her charicters are so well developed that it gives you an understanding to what they thought and how they felt and how that led to such a horrible tragedy. If you have any intrest in the Salem Withch Trials I highly recommend this book.