THE SETTLERS IN CANADA Author:CAPTAIN MARRYAT INTRODUCTION - OF this little work Marryat wrote to his sister-in-law- I am now printing my second work for children, The Settlers, and I hope it will be out in June. I like it myself, and therefore I think the public will also. Without admitting the truth of this general conclusion, which indeed is most untrustworthy, we are entirely with Marry... more »at on the particular case. The public, that is the republic of children, has always liked, and will continue to like, The Settlers in Canada and the authors enjoyment of his work is in part responsible for their appreciation. It is a thoroughly pleasant and readable story, duly seasoned with incidents of peril and wonder. The actors play their parts with vigour, and hold the readers attention throughout. The conventional didacticism is trying, but it beloi gs to the age, and does not in this case intrude very frequently. The Settlers was, most unjustifiably, the occasion of a virulent, and oft-quoted review in The Athenteum, in which the author was characterised as a quarter-deck captain who defied critics, and trifled with the public, writing carelessly and not even good English taking it for granted that the public are to read just what he thought proper to write. Marryats comment, in a letter to his friend, Mrs. S., is philosophical - That I care nothing for criticism like the Athenmunzs, is, I fear, very true and I believe I am a proud sort of person for an author, as I neither dedicate to great men, nor give dinners to literary gentlemen, and dogs will snap if they are not fed. A new edition of The Settlers, which appeared in Rohns Illustrated Library in I 860, contained illustrations by Gilbert and Dalziel. It is here reprinted, with a few vii corrections, from the first edition in 2 vols. Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1844. R. B. J. The following is the list of his published worlcs - Suggestions for the Abolition of the Present System of Impressment in the Naval Service, 1822 The Naval Officer, or Scenes and Adventures in the Life of Frank Mildmay, 1829 The Kings Own, 1830 Newton Forster from the Metropolitan Magazine, 1832 Jacob Faithiul from the Metropolitan Magazine, 1834 Peter Simple, 1834 The Pacha of Many Tales, 1835 Midshipman Easy from the Metropolitan Magazine, 1836 Japhet in Search of a Father from the Metropolztan Magazine, 1836. The Pirate and The Three Cutters, 1836 A Code of Signals for the US of Vessels employed in the Merchant Service, 1837 Snarley-yow, or The Dog Fiend, 1837 A Diary in America, with Remarks on its Institutions, 1839 The Phantom Ship, 1839 Poor Jack, 1840 Olla Podrida articles from the Metropolitan Magasine, 1840 Joseph Rushbrook, or The Poacher, 1841 Masterman Ready, or The Wreck of the Pacifi, 1841 Percival Keene, 1842 Narrative of the Travels and Adventures of Monsieur Violet in California, Sonora, and Western Texas, 1843 The Settlers in Canada, 1844. The Mission, or Scenes in Africa, 1845 The Privateersman, 1846 he Children of the New Forest, 1847 The Little Savage posthumous, 1848-49 Valerie posthumous, 1849 Life and T. etters, Florence Marryat, 1872. The S e t t l e r s Chapter I IT was in the year 1794, that an English family went out to settle in Canada. This province had been surrendered to us by the French, who first colonised it, more than thirty years previous to the year I have mentioned. It must, however, be recollected, that to emigrate and settle in Canada was, at that time, a very different affair to what it is now...« less