The Tao of Now
Daily Wisdom from Mystics, Sages, Poets, and Saints
by Josh Baran
This 398 page precious daily thought book was a hoot to review and a real Godsend to my life, because it doesn't just focus on one thing well, it's focus is many things well. Taking the best snippets from many enlightened people some more notable than others, but all with something I needed very much to hear.
The shear spiritual variety is what hooked me on this important little nugget, I just loved the ponders, the tips, and the wonderful way it is openly and lovingly presented. I would recommend this masterful work to anyone looking for that special daily message that seems to make it all worth while. Thanks Josh, for helping us to bring more light into our lives.
Love & Light,
Riki Frahmann
Daily Wisdom from Mystics, Sages, Poets, and Saints
by Josh Baran
This 398 page precious daily thought book was a hoot to review and a real Godsend to my life, because it doesn't just focus on one thing well, it's focus is many things well. Taking the best snippets from many enlightened people some more notable than others, but all with something I needed very much to hear.
The shear spiritual variety is what hooked me on this important little nugget, I just loved the ponders, the tips, and the wonderful way it is openly and lovingly presented. I would recommend this masterful work to anyone looking for that special daily message that seems to make it all worth while. Thanks Josh, for helping us to bring more light into our lives.
Love & Light,
Riki Frahmann