Teach Yourself Office 97 VISUALLY Author:Ruth Maran "The best introductory books on the market come from maranGraphics" by Rob Wright, the Toronto Star Simply the Best Way to Learn-Quickly! Move Step-by-Step Through Tasks with Colorful Screen Shots & Clear Instructions More than a decade in development, the graphic Teach Yourself Visually(TM) method offers readers the quickest, easiest way to lea... more »rn. Step-by-step screen shots and bite-sized explanations trace Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook tasks from start to finish, making mix-ups impossible and building expertise Fast. Perfect for home, office, or home office, uses, Teach Yourself Office 97 Visually(TM) is for anyone who needs hands-on Office 97 know-how-today! Clear, full-color screen illustrations and straight-forward instructions walk you step-by-step through common home and office tasks. The Teach Yourself Visually(TM) Advantage
* Learn more with less reading.
* Comprehensive coverage. You have the information you need, when you need it.
* Close integration of text and graphics guarantees more retention.
* Break down tasks into step-by-step actions for quick comprehension.« less