The intriguing story of a woman too old to be foolish - and too young to grow old. When rock musician Carl Knight first saw Genevieve Randall on a night flight from San Francisco to London, it was the beginning of an obession. He didn't care that she was more than ten years older than him. Genevieve cared. He didn't care that she had a grown-up daughter, Laura. Genevieve did. But he did care that she was going to marry nice, solid Jim back home in America...Here Genevieve began to agree with him, for Carl was young, exciting, loving and vulnerable - everything Jim could never hope to be.
Genevieve was sure that her relationship with Carl was special, but how could it survive the disapproval of friends, Jim's arrogant disbelief - and Laura's open hostility?
Genevieve was sure that her relationship with Carl was special, but how could it survive the disapproval of friends, Jim's arrogant disbelief - and Laura's open hostility?
an improbable but amusing read spanning san francisco and london. a great beach read. i was left wondering whether i should feel sorry for the main chartacters or laugh at them! enjoyable enough that i have sought other books by susan trott to read.