This book was so helpful to me in improving my understanding of Jesus' original teachings + explaining why the message got so distorted. It is practical too with a whole section of ideas on how to become conscious of our divinity. I was new to Unity after having left all organized "religion" in favor of personal spiritual study for the past 30 years -- when I ran across this book last summer. I can't say enough good about it. I can say I never would have read it if it had not been by Deepak who I already loved and trusted as a spiritual teacher. It's really wonderful for anyone who considers themselves more spiritual than religious - and who would like to understand Jesus' teachings better and move toward oneness and unity in their life! I highly recommend it.

This is a most informative look at what the historical Jesus was trying to say to us. So much of the message has been distorted. Mankind can learn much from Jesus' wisdom and Chopra makes the message clear in this book. Worth the read!