If you are a history buff, or just like to know how new technologies changed the world, you will enjoy this fascinating book which was also a pleasure to read. It is a very compact book with numerous illustrations. Not only does the book cover all the problems and successes in developing, laying and utilizing the cable, it also describes the national and business advantages of the cable.
As an example, at the end of the book, it relates how at the beginning of World War I the British cut five sea cables linking Germany with the rest of the world. As a result, the Germans had to resort to radio transmissions. Well, the British could intercept these and one was the famous Zimmerman telegram which brought the United States into the war.
Part of the wonder of the book is the story of the many individuals who cooperated in developing this new technology, the problems they faced and the great leaps forward in science which solved those problems. All of this occurring in the mid-19th century. I was also impressed with the story of the Great Eastern, the ship which finally laid the first successful cable after several other attempts. This ship was so far ahead its time it would be over 50 years before other ships came even close in size and function.
As an example, at the end of the book, it relates how at the beginning of World War I the British cut five sea cables linking Germany with the rest of the world. As a result, the Germans had to resort to radio transmissions. Well, the British could intercept these and one was the famous Zimmerman telegram which brought the United States into the war.
Part of the wonder of the book is the story of the many individuals who cooperated in developing this new technology, the problems they faced and the great leaps forward in science which solved those problems. All of this occurring in the mid-19th century. I was also impressed with the story of the Great Eastern, the ship which finally laid the first successful cable after several other attempts. This ship was so far ahead its time it would be over 50 years before other ships came even close in size and function.