Helpful Score: 10
Out of all the books that I have read in my life, I would have to say that this was by far the most emotionally intense book that I have read. I felt so involved in the story and just knowing that this all happened, moved me to tears many times. I think this should be the first book by Nicholas Sparks that anyone reads as it gives the readers a good idea of how he came to writing the books that he had previously. Very well written and my favorite book to date of his.
Helpful Score: 7
I had not read any of the fiction of Nicholas Sparks but I found this book to be compelling. It is the account of a trip taken by brothers --skipping around the world in three weeks, interspersed with stories of their growing up. Micah Sparks is listed as a co-author but the voice is that of Nicholas Sparks. Well worth reading.
Helpful Score: 6
I absolutely loved this! If you are a Nicholas Sparks fan, this will give you a great background on his family life, how he grew up, his wife, his children etc. It just makes me want to read more of his books. I thought the way he described the places he saw in Egypt were just fantastic. It really made you want to take the same trip just to see it for yourself.
Helpful Score: 4
"Three Weeks with My Brother" is different from the other Sparks' books that I've read. However, it was very enlightening to learn something about an author whose work I've always enjoyed.
The thirty-something Sparks brothers, living on opposite coasts decide to embark on a three-week journey across the world. Their trip encompasses places like Machu Pichu and Easter Island, opportunities which would be a crime to pass up. When else in their lives will they ever see such mythical places?
As their trip begins, the brothers also begin to reminisce about their lives up to that point. Growing up in poverty, with unusual parents, life was nonetheless pretty good until the untimely deaths of their mother and younger sister Dana. These events caused Nicholas to bury himself in work and family, whereas Micah simply lost all faith in religion, despite his wife's urging. Nicholas took the first step toward recovering his old sense of self by embarking on the trip; now, he feels, Micah should also make an effort toward filling in his own missing pieces.
The thirty-something Sparks brothers, living on opposite coasts decide to embark on a three-week journey across the world. Their trip encompasses places like Machu Pichu and Easter Island, opportunities which would be a crime to pass up. When else in their lives will they ever see such mythical places?
As their trip begins, the brothers also begin to reminisce about their lives up to that point. Growing up in poverty, with unusual parents, life was nonetheless pretty good until the untimely deaths of their mother and younger sister Dana. These events caused Nicholas to bury himself in work and family, whereas Micah simply lost all faith in religion, despite his wife's urging. Nicholas took the first step toward recovering his old sense of self by embarking on the trip; now, he feels, Micah should also make an effort toward filling in his own missing pieces.
Helpful Score: 4
Quite an in-depth look at how Nicholas Sparks lives his life, and how very much he cares for his family. Written as an interaction with his brother on a "Journey to the Lands of Sky Worshippers." I really enjoyed this book.
Helpful Score: 3
This book is not only about time spent between two brothers on a three week vacation around the world but it is the autobiagraphy of Nicholas Sparks.....His life was full of tragedies, love and tested his faith to the fullist....
Helpful Score: 3
This is a story of a vacation that the Author took with his brother. He talks about their childhood growing up and the relationship that they have had since they were young as well as describing their vacation as well. This book will make you laugh cry and just be amzed at the way they grew up. I really enjoyedthis.
Helpful Score: 3
This memoir is an awesome insight into the author's life! I also enjoyed how he interspersed the personal account of his family history with the current stories of the travels with his brother. For all of us with siblings this is a wonderful testament to the blessing we have in our brothers and sisters as we become adults!
VA reader
VA reader
Helpful Score: 2
I enjoyed the way the author intersperses often hilarious stories of his family from the '60s and '70s throughout this three week trip with his brother as they go around the world. This is not one of Sparks romance novels; it's a memoir about how he and his brother come to terms with themselves and each other. It's lighthearted yet touches on some buried emotions both brothers confront in their travels as memories resurface. I enjoyed the travel stories, the honest emotion, and Sparks ability to look at himself not always in a flattering light. This is real.
Helpful Score: 2
I LOVED this book. I just can't get over everything the Sparks family had to go through. I felt like I got to know Nicholas Sparks and his family. I am sure it takes alot to share such personal information. I highly recommend this book.
Helpful Score: 2
I enjoyed this book because it made me think a lot about my childhood. The things that happened to the Sparks family reminded me of my family. It does make you think about the way you were brought up and the way we are raising our children today. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes to reflect back on their childhood.
Helpful Score: 2
This book really took me by surprise. This book was not just a memoir, it was an extremely touching story of Nickolas Sparks' relationships and how deep they go. It made me laugh and cry over and over. No other memoir has ever touched me that way. Nick Sparks dug very deeply and was transparent in his writing. Something very few people ever dare to do in life. I highly recommend this book to non-fiction fans and fiction fans because it can touch people of all interests.
Helpful Score: 2
I could relate to Nick's story. It was a down to earth, real-life story full of emotion and honesty as he dealt with the bumps in the road called life. I highly recommend this book.
Helpful Score: 2
I too loved this book. I have read all of Nicholas Sparks books, my favorite being The Guardian. This book gives you a real insight into the childhood and life of Nicholas Sparks, I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys his novels.
Helpful Score: 1
Not a Nicholas Sparks fan, but actually enjoyed this one.
Helpful Score: 1
AMAZING!! I love this book! Nicholas Sparks writes of a three week, around the world trip taken with his brother Micah. He describes each destination during their trip in vivid detail, making the reader feel like we are there with him. These chapters of his and Micahs' journey are interspersed with stories of childhood memories and the tragic losses he and his brother have endured during their lives. Within the first few pages, I was laughing out loud. And more than once, I burst into tears and had to put the book down. This autobiography is one of the best I've ever read. I highly recommend it.
Helpful Score: 1
An excellent book. What happens if you travel around the world with your big brother and all of the experiences they have. They flashback on the way the boys were raised and how that experience helped make them what they are today. A must read!
Helpful Score: 1
Fantastic story of a journey with brothers Nicholas and Micah Sparks. All about Nicholas growing up and becoming a writer. If you like Nicholas Sparks this book you cannot miss
Helpful Score: 1
I LOVED this book about Nicholas Sparks growing up, a 3 week trip around the world with his older brother, and the many heart aches and hardships they lived through. I laughed, I cried, and laughed until I cried reading this book. My husband and I were lucky enough to attend a book signing (nope, I'm not giving away that one) with Nicholas and Micha. These two gentlemen, brothers, are exceptional people and very funny. I found the stories mixed extremely well, from remembrances to current day. The Sparks family has had more then their fair share of hardships and these brothers remain so upbeat and loyal. They lead very different lives on a daily basis, yet their connection is heartwarming and unwavering.
Helpful Score: 1
i thoroughly enjoyed this book. i've read everything by nicholas sparks and generally really like his novels. it was great to read about his childhood and gain some additional insight into his books. for me, the chapters about the trip were almost secondary to the childhood flashbacks, but he managed to interweave the two timelines so that it all made sense. highly recommend!
Helpful Score: 1
Every Nicholas Sparks fan should read this book. In this book we learn a great deal his life growing up. It was quite a tough and sad life.
Helpful Score: 1
Very interesting book! I was very surprised to read about Mr. Spark's unusual childhood and many family tragedies, but his ability to rise above his circumstances is inspirational!
Helpful Score: 1
I completely LOVE this book!!! It gives you a look at how he grew up and how close he is with his brother. His books always make me cry and this one is defently a tear jerker.
Helpful Score: 1
Anyone who has siblings can certainly relate to this book. The Sparks Family has had more than their share of tragedy. Ihave always enjoyed Nicholas Spark's books. This one, while a bit different, is still a good read.
Since I typically do not read autobiographies, I expected not to really like this book. However, it is one of the best books I have ever read. It is a blend between his travels with his brother and his life growing up. By the end of the book, I felt like I knew his family.
Also by reading it I gained some insight into the problems in the lives of others.
Also by reading it I gained some insight into the problems in the lives of others.
Helpful Score: 1
Its one of my favorite N Sparks books......tells the story of him and brother
Micah taking a 3 week trip around the world (Various spots that I'd never care to go to...but what an adventure they have). Along the way, Sparks tells us of his life...a very moving story......which makes him one of my favorite contemporary writers.
Micah taking a 3 week trip around the world (Various spots that I'd never care to go to...but what an adventure they have). Along the way, Sparks tells us of his life...a very moving story......which makes him one of my favorite contemporary writers.
Most people recognize the titles: The Notebook, Message in a Bottle, Nights in Rodanthe, A Walk to Rememberand the list goes on. To the outside world, internationally best-selling author Nicholas Sparks seems to have it all. He has seventeen hugely successful novels, eight of which have been made into movies. He has a loving wife and family. He seems blessed with the Midas touch. But reality steps in, and like everyone else, he has his own difficulties and dilemmas. Three Weeks with My Brother by Nicholas Sparks and Micah Sparks is a memoir about the Sparks brothers. It chronicles the brothers three-week whirlwind excursion around the world in 2003 to exotic locations like Peru, Easter Island, Australia, Cambodia, and Norway. We are with them on this once-in-a-lifetime trip, and then alternately led through their lives growing up, and see the challenges they faced then and as adults. Sometimes it can be humorous, like when Micah, the jokester, tries to get his photo taken in every sacred crypt on the trip. Many times, its emotional. Health issues, relationship problems, and death all play roles that shape their lives. This book is about family ties, both uplifting and heartbreaking. Its about the journey of two brothers. Read other reviews at
Such a great book. If you've read any of his novels, this book takes you through his life while he was writing some of them. It's an insiders view of the trials and triumphs of Nicholas Sparks' life.
I thought this one was wonderful. Nicholas Sparks is such a gifted writer. I can spend a whole day with his books.
Someone recommended this book and I didn't really expect to like it all that much as I'm not a huge Nicholas Sparks fan ... but I absolutely loved it. I'm buying copies for both of my brothers!
**In January 2003 Nicholas and his brother Micah set off on a three week trip around the globe. In the process they discover startling truths about loss, love and hope.
This was an interesting book. Not usually the kind that I would have chosen. It starts off with the brothers planning the trip and follows through thier trip around the globe. It gives the reader background on the kind of lives they had as children and how they are handling crisis as adults. It is a heart warming story about the power of faith and love. And about never forgetting who you are and why you are doing what you are doing in your life. I was very moved by the story. The writing was clear and the places they traveled were discussed so you felt like you could almost feel you were there. I recommend this book to anyone looking for that special kind of read that is a feel good style book.
This was an interesting book. Not usually the kind that I would have chosen. It starts off with the brothers planning the trip and follows through thier trip around the globe. It gives the reader background on the kind of lives they had as children and how they are handling crisis as adults. It is a heart warming story about the power of faith and love. And about never forgetting who you are and why you are doing what you are doing in your life. I was very moved by the story. The writing was clear and the places they traveled were discussed so you felt like you could almost feel you were there. I recommend this book to anyone looking for that special kind of read that is a feel good style book.
This is my favorite Nicolas Sparks book. This book discusses is life experiences along with the trip with his brother and how the trip gave him a new perspective on life.
This was the best book I have ever read from this writer.
This non-fiction recap is sort of a odyssey for Nick & Micah Sparks. The two brothers take a 3-week trip around the world and reminisce about their family, their losses, consider their current state of mind, what the future holds, God and their own personal revelations.
Loved this book. Very person look into Nicholas Sparks childhood and relationships with his family. Grab the box of tissues.
Excellent book.
Fascinating memoir of Nicholas and Micah Sparks and their journey in a trip around the world. If you are a Sparks fan, it allows you to see what is important to him in his personal life and why. It also gives you great background on his fictional work.
Oh my goodness, this book was better than I thought it would be. The author did a great job with this book, and his brother helped too.
I cried at some spots and laughed at others.
It made me appreciate my brother more.
I cried at some spots and laughed at others.
It made me appreciate my brother more.
Nicholas Sparks uses a three week tour with his brother as a way to present and work through his own autobiography. The tears come so easily reading his fiction because they come from his own emotions. Family relationships are the most important thing in his life and trying to "balance" is an ongoing struggle. Sparks uses his writing to resolve things in his life, and uses his life to enhance his writing. I recommend this fast read when you want a laugh, a cry, and maybe some introspection into your own relationships.
Loved this book. It is a good look at relationships.
NIcholas Sparks is one of my favorite authors and it was great to read about his life grouwing up and his relationship to his brother as they travelled the world for 3 weeks. I really enjoyed it.
Very poignant story. Nicholas Sparks proves that he can write non-fiction as well as fiction. I found myself pulled into the story from the beginning. It brought back memories of my childhood. This one is worth keeping.
I absolutely LOVED this book! I'm not much for nonfiction but this kept me interested and I read it in one day. I have always liked Nicholas Sparks' work but now I have gotten a look at him as a person as well. It made me understand why he writes about the things that he does. I highly recommend it!
Each book that I read by Nicholas Sparks I think is the best and then another comes along and that is the best! He is one great author and I now have all his books! This one kept me enthralled and I had a hard time putting it down.
My favorite of his books
Excellent example of how a memoir should be written. Exploring the relationship of two brothers during a three week trip together, tied in neatly with their childhood past.
Loved this book, Nicholas' great writing tells a wonderful story of his life while on a trip with his brother.
If u enjoy Nicholas Sparks books, this one's a keeper. This one is autobiographical. This first part of each chapter describes scenes from his round-the-world trip with his brother Micah. The second half of each chapter describes his family when he was growing up, & their interwoven relationships. Did you know that one of Sparks books was inspired by his sister Dana? Another of his books was inspired by his son Ryan & Ryan's struggles to learn.
This Sparks book is different. IT's personal.
This Sparks book is different. IT's personal.
Well written and thoughtful book.
excellent book
I have read several of Nicholas Sparks' books and enjoyed them, although sugar-coated, I've liked them. This is a non-fiction work. I'm torn in my thoughts about it. At times, I considered not finishing it - tired of a somewhat whiny attitude (being middle child, underappreciated by parents, etc., etc.). Then there were times when i was genuinely touched by his relationship with his sister and brother. Thoroughly praises his wife, but they recently announced they are divorcing. Interesting story of his three-week around the world trip with his brother. Some interesting details on the locations they visited.
Great book to get some background information into the life of one of my favorite authors. Liked the flashbacks into their lives growing the best!
Wonderful account of a trip author Nicholas Sparks took around the world with his brother. The book weaves the story of the trip with the history of the brother's family. A touching story and a good read.
great book, you will cry and you will laugh out loud.
Narrated with irrepressible humor and rare candor, and including personal photos, Three Weeks With My Brother reminds us to embrace life with all its uncertainties...and most of all, to cherish the joyful times, both small and momentous, and the wonderful people who make them possible.
excellent - funny and moving. I found this much better to read and get into than his novels.
I enjoyed reading this.
Nicholas and Micah Sparks' adventures as they take a three week trip around the globe. Includes personal photos.
I was amazing how well I relaed to most of the stories Nicholas tells of his childhood. An excellent read.
A little slow in the begining but I gave it a chance and ended up truly enjoying it. Nice story about family bonds.
I really loved this book.
This is an inspiring look at how Nicholas Sparks' life has evolved and the role his family has played in him becoming a best selling author. (Get a box of tissues before you begin.)
"...embrace life with all of its uncertainties ... and most of all...cherish the joyful times, both samll and momentous and the wonderful people who make them possible
"...embrace life with all of its uncertainties ... and most of all...cherish the joyful times, both samll and momentous and the wonderful people who make them possible
My favorite Nicholas Sparks book....I share it with friends.
While I'm not much of a Nicholas Sparks fan, this was a very touching book. It gives a glimpse of the life he had growing up and the hardships that he and his family endured over the years. It helped me to see why many of his books seem to be somber and dreary, for the experiences in his life inspired many of his books. While it didn't morph me into a Nicholas Sparks fan necessarily, it did pull at my heartstrings a bit to find out the struggles that his family were put through. I wasn't very interested in hearing about the countries he visited so I sort of skimmed some of the specifics, but the love he has for his brother is apparent and kept me wanting to keep reading. I finished this book within just a couple of days. Parts of the book may make you realize how short life can be and cause you to cherish what time we have in this world.
Lovely,quick read.
Great Read!!!! More autobiography then I expected but WOW it was enlightening. Helps me understand and appreciate Sparks' other works.
A very moving book by Nicholas Sparks written with his brother, Micah about their around the world journey.
I'm a big fan of Nicholas Sparks, and this book gave me such insight into who is. He had to overcome so much personal tragedies. Now that I know his background, I may have to reread some of his books with what I learned about him and his family in mind. The travels he and his brother had together were interesting, but the better parts of the book were the stories about his growing up. I highly recommend this book.
Very good book. It held my interest until the end. Educational as well as entertaining.
I would have to rate this book as follows:
A narrative of Nicholas and Micah Sparks's trip around the world in three weeks: F
An Informative memoir about Nicholas Sparks life so far: A+
I really enjoyed the memoir parts of this book. N. Sparks had a tough but loving childhood. He has had to deal with death, an autistic child and a demanding career. The memoir parts were facinating and enjoyable to read. The Travelog about his 3 week trip around the world is really boring. It is almost like he had to include some things so write the trip off as research on his taxes. I'm glad he wrote this book, I'm even more glad I read it.
A narrative of Nicholas and Micah Sparks's trip around the world in three weeks: F
An Informative memoir about Nicholas Sparks life so far: A+
I really enjoyed the memoir parts of this book. N. Sparks had a tough but loving childhood. He has had to deal with death, an autistic child and a demanding career. The memoir parts were facinating and enjoyable to read. The Travelog about his 3 week trip around the world is really boring. It is almost like he had to include some things so write the trip off as research on his taxes. I'm glad he wrote this book, I'm even more glad I read it.
As usual with Nicholas Sparks' books, this memoir made me laugh and cry. There were so many similarities in his childhood and mine, so it made his story even more enjoyable.
What a sad but wonderful story. Wish I could take a trip like that with my sisters.
Gave insight into the author's life and I enjoyed the trip.
NY Times besteller author abandons wife and kids for high-dollar glamour tour around the world with his brother. An upper-class mid-life crisis Bildungsroman.
All writers should write a book like this.
I like the author more after reading this.
I like the author more after reading this.
A well written book that shows the depth and strength of family ties. Knowing some of Nicholas Sparks' history just makes me respect him as an author all the more. Knowing his bond with family lets the reader know how he can write with the heartfelt feeling that comes through to his loyal fans that can't wait to read his next novel.
I feel like I went on the trip and saw and felt what Nicholas and Micah experienced. I highly recommend this book.
I feel like I went on the trip and saw and felt what Nicholas and Micah experienced. I highly recommend this book.
It was an ok book, I just could not finish it. It was very different that his other books. When I was reading about his past it made me angry to think of such an up bring as this one and the lacks a daisy attitute of the parents.
This is the first of his books I've read and it is a fantastick book. Very fast read.
My daughter loved this book.