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Topic: Tips for selling on etsy?

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Pacrat avatar
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Subject: Tips for selling on etsy?
Date Posted: 5/26/2014 5:53 PM ET
Member Since: 6/25/2009
Posts: 218
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I put a few items i made on etsy but so far.. no biters and only 8 views all together for the past 2 weeks :( any one who sells on their (or who sells online in general) have ideas what I can do to up my traffic?

LesleyH avatar
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Date Posted: 5/27/2014 6:46 PM ET
Member Since: 4/30/2007
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There are a couple of other threads where there has been some advice posted- just scroll down in this forum to find them. It's hard to give advice without seeing your shop, but for starters, you might want to build your inventory up- you need more than a few items in your shop to be inviting to customers.  Make sure you have a nice banner, fill out all of your policies and shop announcement, write good, detailed product descriptions, research how to title and tag your items so that they can be found in searches, have good, clear photos of your items, promote on social media.  It is a lot to take in, I know, just start at the beginning and do a little at a time.  If you still don't know what to change, try looking for a critique team to ask for some specific suggestions.  Good luck!

jannymarie avatar
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Date Posted: 6/3/2014 4:53 PM ET
Member Since: 8/10/2009
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Post your Etsy link in your ziggy like Lesley has.

njemj50 avatar
Subject: Etsy Selling
Date Posted: 12/3/2014 8:02 PM ET
Member Since: 8/2/2014
Posts: 2
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Etsy is like any other online source; you need to drive the people to your page. I sell on Etsy, Amazon, and Ebay. I also have an artist website, Pinterest page, Blog, Flickr, YouTube and Slideshare accounts. I have links to Etsy on all of those as well as on my business cards. I include a business card with every purchase from any of my sites. I also teach classes and give out cards there. It is a numbers game like any other sales. The more people who know about you, the more likely you are to sell an item. It takes time and effort to build a following. Good luck.