Trouble You Are Not Alone Author:Michael Mayhew-Arnold This is the story of mankind's eternal struggle with himself and between the flesh and spirit which our ancient ancestors and predecessors gave so much credence to and considered the vital equilibrium, harmony and balance of life but which modern man has lost and forgotten. The book is for the old and young, powerful and not so powerful, for tho... more »se judging others and those being judged; for ordinary folk and those with oversight and heavy duties of responsibility, whether corporations and individuals alike. This book represents a part of the common consciousness of humanity. Trouble discriminates against us all, in every shape, size and form and at any time. It doesn't care when, where or how it strikes and it will pick the most inconvenient and worst moment and most likely, you will not see it coming. Our troubles are not new and have been encountered by many wise people, heroes and heroines of ancient times and related in stories so we might learn from them by means of historical facts, fables and myths in the Classics such as Perseus, Heracles and Antaeus, Achilles, Paris, Agamemnon, Alexander the Great, King Solomon, the Greek and OlympianGods, Caesar, Akhenaten, The All Seeing Eye, Anubis, Horus, Zeus, Hera, Venus, Troy, Oracles, Arachne, Ophiuchus, Pandora's box and other messages from the ancients. All stories are relevant in their own context and place in history. Interpreted by different cultures and beliefs. Of God and demons, magick and illusion, perception, senses and vices, Murphy's Laws, our brains tricking us through our senses, painters and artists illusions, our primal instincts, of UFO's/ ET's, black holes and singularities, relativity, quantum mechanics, quantitative easing, Carl Jung and President JFK, curvatures of space time, covert human research programmes into behavioural modification such Project MKULTRA, an intelligence funded operation; of mass hysteria, massacre and murder, of the Holocaust, Inquisition and witch trials, of synchronicity and contemporary trouble in the form of economic, social and political issues. All this and more is part of the history of the development of our species and used by the author to fold solutions around a patterned framework to provide solutions to personal problems.« less