Helpful Score: 4
I've enjoyed all the undead series and couldn't wait for this one. It was her books that started me on the paranormal romances. This one was a HUGE disappointment. Very boring and really nothing new about it. Hope the next one makes up for this one. Maybe time to end the series???

Helpful Score: 3
Betsy the Vampire Queen #5.
Lots going on. Sometimes, it almost seems like too much. Humor keeps the book moving forward. It will really help you with some of the side stories if you have read some of her short stories.
Lots going on. Sometimes, it almost seems like too much. Humor keeps the book moving forward. It will really help you with some of the side stories if you have read some of her short stories.
Helpful Score: 3
Betsy's birthday is approaching and some very powerful vampires from Europe have finally showed up to check out the new queen. There's a hint of seriousness to the plot when someone ends up ill, but I liked the depth that added to the story. Overall, not my favorite in the series, especially considering I was expecting a wedding to occur in this installment, but I love the brain candy aspect to the series as a whole. I do wish the author would move forward at a slightly faster pace. She could easily cover a year or so of adventures in one book, but she doesn't. Oh well. I will continue to follow along because it's still a fun series to me.
Helpful Score: 2
Hilarious!! Now, I'm sad because the next book in the series doesn't come out til 2007. If you haven't read the Undead books, DO IT!! It's like Sex and the City , but with vampires!!
Helpful Score: 2
I am not into vampires and their stories but wanted to read something by Davidson as she is so popular. I see why for her story is racey and unconventional..... still not my cup of tea or should I say blood.
Helpful Score: 1
This was another great book in the series! Lots of giggles and couldn't put it down!

Helpful Score: 1
Maybe I'm just burnt out on Betsy. Maybe it was the wrong time of the month to try and read UNDEAD AND UNPOPULAR. Maybe the full moon made my brain hurt. Regardless of the reason, I couldn't even finish this story, and that saddens me.
I love MJD, I love her sense of humor, I love her writing style. I didn't love this book. It seemed to be missing that irreverent sense of witty snarkism that always make me enjoy an MJD story. There were plot lines that seemed totally unimportant (and, in fact, ridiculous) to the plot--can anyone say zombie in the attic?
The fact is, sometimes the story was amusing. Sometimes I liked Betsy. Sometimes I thought Eric was still hot. Most of the time, though, I was simply bored and uninspired.
I love MJD, I love her sense of humor, I love her writing style. I didn't love this book. It seemed to be missing that irreverent sense of witty snarkism that always make me enjoy an MJD story. There were plot lines that seemed totally unimportant (and, in fact, ridiculous) to the plot--can anyone say zombie in the attic?
The fact is, sometimes the story was amusing. Sometimes I liked Betsy. Sometimes I thought Eric was still hot. Most of the time, though, I was simply bored and uninspired.
Helpful Score: 1
Here's another fun installment in the Queen Betsy vampire series. I LOVE the author's sense of humor. This book was truly laugh out loud funny (my family requested that I NOT read it around them because I was making too much noise laughing!)
Helpful Score: 1
Short story not as good as her others in the series.
Helpful Score: 1
Betsy just keeps getting better.....Where and how did George get a girlfriend?????? I don't remember that in the last book
These are good books,A quick read and very light reading.

Felt uninspired by this book. Though I will read the next one.
Please be advised,while this book is witty and amusing, it contains very blatant sexual language.
This book is a whole lotta nothin'. Yeah the one-liners are still cute, the general silliness of the premise is still sort of funny. But this book had almost no plot, no hook for the reader and not really any development in any of Betsy's personal relationships or new characters. I'm re-reading the series and I know that eventually I got so frustrated I stopped reading. In the re-read, I'm ready to quit reading now although I think I have another four or five books to be up to date. Besty and Sinclair aren't sexy anymore. There's no new information about this vampire world. This book is the same as the last book which was the same as the previous. Blah.
2.5 stars
2.5 stars
The publisher could have squeezed 3 of these Queen Bersy books into one book and it would have been a more worthwhile read. I like these Queen Betsy stories because of their humor, but find them overpriced! The font is large and the book issued in harcover/oversized paperback - too small a story for the high price! Best to trade for it or check it out of the library.

Great book... A must read! Vamp lite... Funny, fast pace, and as realistic as a vampire tale could be.
Maryjanice Davidson writes another great Betsy book. It makes you laugh and keeps you glued to the pages.
The world of Queen Betsy, the Vampire Queen, is a great story. Betsy herself may need to grow up a bit to fill that roll. She can be cute and honest, but sometimes you have to be a different person to be a monarch. This fact kind of bugged be about the books, but it seems like she may be filling that roll better in this one. Cant wait to read the next!
There is really not a whole lot of "vampire" lore involved with this story. That being said, this is slightly humorous and light. Might be good beach or airplane reading. (Bubble bath for me.)
The character's "voice" seems confused between a hard-arse and a "Legally Blonde" type. I think she was shooting for the latter, but kind of off-mark.
I have many of the books in the series and am 3/4 a way into the next book and find it less interesting than the first.
The character's "voice" seems confused between a hard-arse and a "Legally Blonde" type. I think she was shooting for the latter, but kind of off-mark.
I have many of the books in the series and am 3/4 a way into the next book and find it less interesting than the first.

Betsy is back. And this time she's decided to give up drinking blood. And she has lots of unscheduled visitors to her home at all sorts of hours and it's great.
The steaminess continues to get better as the series progresses. They are enjoyable little scenes. And I like the development of Betsy - into someone not quite so "blond" (as another reviewer put it).
I am looking forward to the wedding in this Series - maybe after that, we can get more romance for the other characters. Or just more "screen time" for the ones that are going on now (Jess and Nick would be a great perspective to see).
These books are hilarious, sexy, with a high level of mystery and intrigue thrown in. I recommend this series to anyone who loves friendly vampires... and some not-so-friendly ones.
The steaminess continues to get better as the series progresses. They are enjoyable little scenes. And I like the development of Betsy - into someone not quite so "blond" (as another reviewer put it).
I am looking forward to the wedding in this Series - maybe after that, we can get more romance for the other characters. Or just more "screen time" for the ones that are going on now (Jess and Nick would be a great perspective to see).
These books are hilarious, sexy, with a high level of mystery and intrigue thrown in. I recommend this series to anyone who loves friendly vampires... and some not-so-friendly ones.
Great read
Another great addition to this series!
This one was good but not the best of the series.
Vampire Queen Betsy Taylor and the gang are all back again in the 5th book of the Undead series.
I love these books-they are laugh out loud funny and I cant get enough!
I love these books-they are laugh out loud funny and I cant get enough!
I liked this better than #4 which was jumpy and ,in my opinion, not well written. This one is a bit short and doesn't do much to advance the plot in the series but it is a fun read- great for a day at the beach kind of stuff. She goes lighter on the racy stuff in this book which I prefer. I will keep reading the series. I call it my brain candy.

While all the Undead books are quick, laugh out loud reads, I found this one to be more annoying than the others in the series. It was ok, but not a read again
I have read the first five books in this wonderful series. However, I have to say that this book is probably my least favorite. Davidson's character, Betsy, is very believable--mostly because the story is told in her point of view--but the supporting characters are weak, at best. Sinclair, Betsy's love interest, has somehow taken a less than masculine role in his relationship with her and I find it hard to keep in mind he is a vampire. I do enjoy reading Davidson's work and hope the next book in this series will be better.
With her 31st birthday right around the corner, and plans for her upcoming nuptials chewing up so much of her time, Vampire Queen Betsy Taylor really doesn't have the time or patience to deal with the faction of European vampires that have decided to finally come and pay their respects to the Vampire Queen and King. Not only are they snotty and stuck-up, but one of them is also responsible for the death of fellow vampire and friend Dr. Sophie Trudeau. And Sophie's definitely holding a grudge since Alonzo simply drained her blood and left her for dead in a dark alley in Paris back in 1892. So now, on top of everything else, she's expected to decide the fate of this arrogant ass too?! With her brother BabyJon pooping up a storm, Betsy's definitely got her hands full!
It's been nearly a year since I visited Betsy because I wanted to catch up on her Wyndham Werewolves, who start to make appearances (as minor characters) in some of the Betsy books now. So I read the 2 short stories in the Secrets 6 and Secrets 8 anthologies, the short stories in Dead and Loving It, and the full-length novel Derik's Bane, all within the previous year before picking up Undead and Unpopular.
Like the previous books in the series, Undead and Unpopular was a quick, light read. You feel as if the whole novel could have happened in a single day or two, and in fact, I think it probably did, or a week at most. *grin* If you're looking for a wonderful story and intricate plot line, don't look here; this series is pure fluff! But the characters are likable and funnyâ"not quite hilarious, but certainly chuckle-worthyâ"and the action is never dull. I'll be looking forward to Undead and Uneasy, the next in the series, which I hope to squeeze in soon so I can be fully caught up on this series. :)
It's been nearly a year since I visited Betsy because I wanted to catch up on her Wyndham Werewolves, who start to make appearances (as minor characters) in some of the Betsy books now. So I read the 2 short stories in the Secrets 6 and Secrets 8 anthologies, the short stories in Dead and Loving It, and the full-length novel Derik's Bane, all within the previous year before picking up Undead and Unpopular.
Like the previous books in the series, Undead and Unpopular was a quick, light read. You feel as if the whole novel could have happened in a single day or two, and in fact, I think it probably did, or a week at most. *grin* If you're looking for a wonderful story and intricate plot line, don't look here; this series is pure fluff! But the characters are likable and funnyâ"not quite hilarious, but certainly chuckle-worthyâ"and the action is never dull. I'll be looking forward to Undead and Uneasy, the next in the series, which I hope to squeeze in soon so I can be fully caught up on this series. :)

Love this series
5th book in the Undead series.
Great series! Lighthearted and funny. Betsy is kickass!

Another great addition to the Queen Bestsy Series.
i zoomed through the first four books so i was really looking forward to the LOL moments. there were none - it wasn't funny and really didn't have much of a plot. it read like a typical person having issues with their family and friends (some who just happen to be vamps). hope this is not the beginning of the end for this series.