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My Unforgettable Adventures in 75 Countries and Life in India: Travel The World For Less Than 100 Dollars A Day
My Unforgettable Adventures in 75 Countries and Life in India Travel The World For Less Than 100 Dollars A Day Author:P Sathi Mr. P Sathi was born on Oct 03, 1936 in village Barwala near Shivalik Hills, foothills of the Himalayas in District Panchkula, Haryana State, India A brilliant student who was in Merit list in school and college and a scholarship holder in Government Agriculture College, Ludhiana, Punjab State. He met Ohio State Agriculture University Team in 19... more »55 / 56 in his college and started dreaming about going to USA. However, he was admitted to Indian Military Academy, Dehra Dun, India on the basis of a tough Entrance examination, interviews and endurance tests. After comprehensive military training at Indian Military Academy Dehra Dun, he joined Indian Army as an Infantry Officer in June 1959. He attended the Golden Jubilee Celebrations in June 2009 in the Academy Commemorating 50 years of active and retired Army Service.
He served in the Army for 30 years in various command, staff and instructional appointments such as instructor at prestigious National Defence Academy, Kharakvasla, Maharashtra State, India. Being Infantry Officer, he was mostly on active operational duties culminating in command of an Infantry Battalion in Counter-Insurgency operations for three years. While in Army, he obtained BA, MA, MBA and college degree in law through distance learning primarily for a second career after Army retirement. Thus, he served for six years in Bank of Baroda which has bank branches in over 30 countries
Finally, his dream of coming to America since 1954 / 1955 became a reality when he arrived in America at the age of 60 having retired from Army and the Bank. Despite many challenges, starting life all over again at age 60 in America, he owned and operated a small business, saved money to visit many countries as part of his American Dream. Now he presents his travel adventures in the form of this book based on his personal experiences and life in India before coming to America with the added aim to make this book a Record of his life for his children, grandchildren and travel enthusiasts all over the world. Kindly forgive me, if unwittingly I have conveyed, 'Better than Thou' impression.« less