Page: Unlock Forum posting with Annual Membership. |
"This is an UNMODERATED challenge. Unmoderated means that no Games Mods are supervising this challenge, and gamers are playing at their own risk. If something should happen (no prize received), the gamers will not have the assistance of the Games Moderators or the PBS Team to resolve the problem." The challenge will require a deposit of one credit, sent to me. The credit deposits will be used as the prize pool for winners, so you are not guaranteed to receive your credit back. This is a reading challenge so you are not required to mail any books. Please add as a buddy to make credit returns to the winners easier. The Challenge:
Here is the link to the Check-in Form and the Spreadsheet CHECK-IN DATES (by 11:59 PM): WEEK 1: MONDAY, APRIL 14TH (for books read during APRIL 7 - APRIL 13) WEEK 2: MONDAY, APRIL 21ST (for books read during APRIL 14 - APRIL 20) WEEK 3: MONDAY, APRIL 28TH (for books read during APRIL 21 - APRIL 27) WEEK 4: MONDAY, MAY 5TH (for books read during APRIL 28 - MAY 4)
Point Breakdown: Short Story - 0 to 50 pages: 25 points Novella - 51 to 110 pages: 50 points Novel - 111 to 250 pages: 100 points Super Novel - 251 to 360 pages: 150 points Super Plus Novel - 361 pages to 450 pages: 200 points Neverending Novel - 451 pages and greater: 250 points
Bonus Points: Weekly Bonuses: Secret Buddy Bonus: 100 Points - I will secretly choose 2 books from your posted TBR list and give you one clue per book. If you guess and read these books you will get bonus points Buddy Bonus: 75 points - Before we begin, I will buddy up participants and have each pick and post 4 novella, novel, or super novel sized TBR books for their buddy to read. In addition to the regular base points, 75 bonus points will be added for each book read. eBook Bonus: 25 points - for every ebook that is read, you will receive these bonus points. An extra incentive to get through that stash! End of Challenge Bonuses: Secret Buddy Bonus: 300 Points - Anyone that finishes all their secret buddy bonus books will get this bonus. Buddy Bonus: 525 Points - Anyone that finishes all their buddy bonus books will get this bonus.
Totals will be determined each week and for the final by: Totaling up your points standing (person with the most points at the end of the week will get 1, second gets 2, etc) and adding it to your page standing (determined by totaling up number of pages read - rank again, person with most pages read will get a 1 and so on). The person with the lowest total number (both page and points added together) will be the winner. In the case of a tie for points, the ranking will be determined by the highest number of pages read. In the case of a tie for page ranking, standing will be determined by highest number of points. In the case of a total points tie, pages read will be the tie breaker. If a player has not submitting anything for the week, the will automatically get the last ranking available and tie for that spot with any other player who does not submit. Winning Categories: You will only be allowed to win one final prize category to give everyone else more of a chance. You will also only be allowed to win one weekly prize however you can win a weekly prize and then win a final prize also. Final Winners
Weekly Winners - Each week we will have mini challenges. You may only win 1 mini challenge per game. For "Most Books Read" (ebooks, print or combine) books must be 51+ pages to qualify for the mini challenge. Any ties for any mini challenge will be broke with page counts.
I love book recommendations and ideas so we will be discussing books a plenty in this challenge. Please feel free to chat away!! Last Edited on: 3/26/14 11:50 AM ET - Total times edited: 2 |
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Week 1 Mini Challenge Winners
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Week 2 Mini Challenge Winners
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Week 3 Mini Challenge Winners
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Week 4 Mini Challenge Winners
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Week 1 Mini Challenge Winners
Week 2 Mini Challenge Winners
Week 3 Mini Challenge Winners
Week 4 Mini Challenge Winners
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Renee's April New Release List Most Popular Books Released in March List Most Popular Books Released in April List Last Edited on: 3/12/14 1:16 PM ET - Total times edited: 1 |
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Multi-Genre Bingo Rules- We will start the same time the challenge starts. The two people to read Bingo in a line (horizontal, vertical or diagonal) and sends me a list of their books and how they Bingo-ed will win 1 credit each. Only one book can be used for each square. You may use Bingo Card #1 or #2. You may use any book you read during the challenge as long as they follow the challenge rules. We are playing on a honor system since some of the squares will be hard to check so please make sure that your book fits the square. If you have any questions please ask. Oh and I put these cards together really fast so if you see any problems let me
Here are links to the Bingo Cards. I am trying to figure out an easy way to post the
Last Edited on: 4/8/14 10:36 AM ET - Total times edited: 10 |
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I'm your huckleberry! |
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LOL!!! |
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Me! Credit already sent! Here's the link that I just posted on the last challenge for April releases. This is VERY preliminary. Many of these books could change to a different release month. Indie authors often put them off at the last minute. And I'll probably be adding quite few more throughout March. |
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Ha, love the Tombstone reference, Susan! One of my favorite lines. :) I'm in...sending my credit. |
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Me! credit you just sent me I hit right back to you ;) |
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I'm in, credit sent. I'm so excited this next one will be during my vacation so I might get a chance to have one big week. Jamie, you can keep my link the same for my buddy list. I'll be adding and revising it between now and the challenge. |
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Don't know if any of you saw, but the final Rough Riders book is coming out 6/2104. If you sign up for L. James newsletter on her website, you can get a preview of the title and cover of the book (the newsletter just came out on Thursday, and she asked the subscribers not post the info on line anywhere, or I'd post the info here.) She says she'll reveal the H/h in April, after Unwound comes out. |
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Renee you are always a plethora of information :) Jamie I will keep same list and update also. THANKS!!! |
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Renee you are always a plethora of information :)! Why, thank you--I do try LOL! Not really; I just happen onto these tidbits when I'm updating my GR release date shelves. I'll see a book or an author and think "I need to check their website and/or FB page to see if there's any new news." I have shelves on GR named "TBD 2014", "spring 2014" and so on, so I go through those about once a month to see if any of those books have been given more concrete release dates, and when I do so, I dig for interesting info. And, on that note. I found out some other info last night but didn't have time to post it. For anyone who has been waiting and waiting for, Edge of Darkness by J.A. Saare (aka Aline Hunter), which is the next book in the Rhiannon's Law series (Dead, Undead or Somewhere In Between, The Renfield Syndrome, The Ripple Effect), it's finally got a target release month! Unfortunately, it's not scheduled for release until Aug/Sept 2015, but, hey, we've waited this long! I have been following her blog for awhile, and remembered reading a while back that she had to abandon the series because her erotica books (written as Aline Hunter) were waaay outselling her UF/PnR books, and since she's a full-time writer with 4 kids, she had to do what would pay the bills (here's the blog post). Anyway, after she wrote that blog, she said she got all kinds of nasty emails, even a death threat--over a book, can you believe that? Some fans are craaaazy! (here's the blog post where she explains). Finally, almost 2 years later, she's signed with Samhain to publish the series AND she's planning on several more books after Edge of Darkness. She said that the first 3 books are being re-released (re-edited with added text--Dead, Undead has 7K words of added text). I was wondering if I would need to re-read the series, but she says: "No, you don't have to read the revised version(s) to follow the series. The same events transpire. I added more dialogue and scenes with Rhiannon, Disco, and Paine. That's why the new version is longer." Dead, Undead is being re-released in November, 2014. I'm so glad to hear this news! I FLOVE this series, and I'm sure that even though I don't have to, I'll probably re-read them anyway because a) the series is THAT good; b) I don't want to miss out on anything; c) and I could use a refresher since it's been so long. Here's the tentative release schedule she gave in one of her blog posts:
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I am changing up my TBR this time around: Gina's Challenge TBR |
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I'm in, sending a credit. I will use the same list, but I'm adding to it before we start.... |
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I've sent a credit. I haven't been in this challenge before but my New Year's resolution was an easy one for me. I plan to read a bunch of books that I have had on my TBR for years starting with the books that have been on my list for the longest. A bunch of them are ebooks so it's a win-win for me!
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Welcome Jeanette and thanks for playing with us. Although most of us go into this challenge hoping to read through some of our TBR ALOT of us end up adding more to it by the time we look at what everyone else is reading... LOL We love to be enablers |
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Credit sent. You can use my same TBR link Jamie. There's only one book on there as of now but I'll get it put together before we start. Thanks! |
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