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Topic: using PBS postage

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AZnightowl avatar
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Subject: using PBS postage
Date Posted: 11/5/2020 11:22 AM ET
Member Since: 4/28/2009
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It's been a long time since I used PBS postage so that I get the credits when the book is scanned.  I'm considering it this time because I'm sending 7 WL books to a member I haven't dealt with in the past.

My question is - if I print out that label - do I have to mail it the same day as the day I print the label   or  can I print the label at work, go home and package everything and then mail the next day?

I didn't remember and I don't want to spend money to print out this label and then find out when I go to the PO that they won't let me mail it the next day with that label.

Thanks, Ann Marie

Sherry avatar
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Date Posted: 11/5/2020 3:42 PM ET
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There should be a dropdown box when you enter the information.  You would be able to select tomorrows date when you print the label.

Found this in the Help Center -hope it helps smiley

What is the significance of the postmark date on the Wrapper Settings page?  Does it matter what date I choose there?

  • Yes, it is important to choose the date properly--you need to mail the book by that date.
  • You cannot change the postmark date after you have downloaded/printed the wrapper.
  • If you mail AFTER that date, you can go to the PO and have a new metered $0.00 strip with that day's date applied to the package.
  • It is okay to mail earlier than the date specified; your package may be returned to you if you mail it after that date.
    • If you put it into a collection box after the last day's scheduled collection, then the package will be accepted with the previous day's date when the next collection happens on the next day.
  • If you are into legalese, here are the USPS regulations on this ("indicia" = postmark):
      • Mailpieces bearing a complete date in the indicia must be deposited or presented on that date, except that pieces entered after the day's last scheduled collection from the post office or collection box may bear the actual date of entry or the date of the next scheduled collection from the post office or collection box. When authorized by USPS, presort mail accepted after midnight may bear the previous day's date. If the mailer knows that the mail is not to be deposited or presented on the date in the indicia, the mailer must use a date correction indicium under 4.4.1. (from DMM, 4.5.2 Mailing Date Accuracy and Mailing Periods)

Last Edited on: 11/5/20 3:43 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
AZnightowl avatar
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Date Posted: 11/5/2020 3:56 PM ET
Member Since: 4/28/2009
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Thank you so much for all the details!  I really appreciate the information - it was a big help.

Ann Marie

rebeccam avatar
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Date Posted: 11/6/2020 7:31 AM ET
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When you buy PBS postage, you can select the date to mail a week out.

I'd package it up first so you know the weight and that you buy adequate postage before purchasing the postage.


runeweaver avatar
Date Posted: 5/27/2021 5:16 AM ET
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Huh, I didn't know the PO cared about the date. Out of the hundreds of books I've mailed there is maybe a handful that got mailed the same day. The label gets printed the night before and the package sits on the foyer table until I either run an errand or I make it out to the post box before the mailman comes. But even though I can't see the mailman squinting to read the date or going to the effort of returning a book, I'm not going to encourage anyone to break the rules.

And it may be that my local post office doesn't give a flip. I added three books when I had already printed the label so I KNEW the postage wasn't right. I took it to the post office and asked the clerk to make sure the postage was alright. He made a show of weighing the book and declared it was all good.


Alameda avatar
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Subject: ~ ► ☕ ღஐƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒஐღ ☕
Date Posted: 10/19/2021 9:20 AM ET
Member Since: 1/7/2007
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There's supposed to be a 2-day window - but to be honest I've never had a problem with any package going out later than 2-days after the print date.
Three day weekends anyone?
Two-Day window is like I print out on Manday using Monday's date and don't mail 'til Thursday or Friday.
There are times when I place a book package out on my mail box for the carrier to pick up and sometimes it'll sit for a few days - it's never came back or failed to be delivered due to late mailings....