It has been a while since I read this but I remember the fight scenes being pretty good and I know it was quick read.
Loved it, can't wait to read the next ones, its very much like Tamora Pierce's Tortall books
The author gives gives a lot of details that paints of picture culture of the time but also manages to develops the character well. The main character is likable and many will cheer for Halfdan as he meets his challenges. As a teacher I wish more authors would write like this.
Terrible. the writing is extremely juvenile and the spacing of the margins seem indie as opposed to published by professionals. I do understand this is a childrens book but I have read indie middle grade books that displayed better writing style and had better formatting. The terrible writing is especially obvious when the main character's half brother tells the tale of the illfated journey and the main character inwardly states his half brother really knows how to spin a tale yet that tale is poorly told and choppy. I can hardly believe HarperCollins was involved in the production of this book, it doesn't seem well edited for content or sentence structure.
Love this series! You really need to start with book 1 so you don't miss any of the action. The writing sucks you right into the story and you become lost in the viking age. Its a series I'll read again and again.
"He's the son of a chieftain and a princessyet Halfdan was born a slave.
Now he is becoming a man and it is time for him to meet his destiny.
Though raised a slave who could only dream of freedom, young Halfdan's fate may be about to change. If freed, he may train as a Viking warrior, and come to know the glories of true brotherhood and the horrors of unspeakable evil. In the world of Vikings, a warrior's destiny is forged in the heat of battle. If the fates decree it, Hafdan may emerge as a new hero . . . a new myth . . . and perhaps a new legend."
This is a solid action-packed book for teens (the hero is ~15) with lots of internal conversations and fighting scenes. The historical data do not overwhelm the story itself. The pacing is brisk, the storytelling is wordy at times but the plot is intriguing enough to keep my interests. This is a good start to a series.
Now he is becoming a man and it is time for him to meet his destiny.
Though raised a slave who could only dream of freedom, young Halfdan's fate may be about to change. If freed, he may train as a Viking warrior, and come to know the glories of true brotherhood and the horrors of unspeakable evil. In the world of Vikings, a warrior's destiny is forged in the heat of battle. If the fates decree it, Hafdan may emerge as a new hero . . . a new myth . . . and perhaps a new legend."
This is a solid action-packed book for teens (the hero is ~15) with lots of internal conversations and fighting scenes. The historical data do not overwhelm the story itself. The pacing is brisk, the storytelling is wordy at times but the plot is intriguing enough to keep my interests. This is a good start to a series.