Helpful Score: 2
WISH is a littler-known manga by the creators of Card Captor Sakura and Chobits, CLAMP. This series, told in four volumes, follows the angel Kohaku in her efforts to grant the wish of a human Shuichiro, to whom she is indebted, as well as track down her mentor, Hisui.
Helpful Score: 2
Volume 1 of a 4-volume manga.
Clamp's charming story explores what happens to a sweet, naive angel when she falls in love with a mortal.
Clamp's charming story explores what happens to a sweet, naive angel when she falls in love with a mortal.
A few things got changed in translation, which may disappoint fans of the original. The genders of many of the angels have been changed, so what was once a sweet boy-boy love story is now heterosexual romance. It's a small thing, but for a story that used to be one of my favorite gay books, it's now just one of many boy-girl romance stories.
Still, it's a very good story. Very sweet, with nice art and a nice story. If you haven't read the original, or an alternate translation, and this is your first time, you'll probably enjoy it more.
Still, it's a very good story. Very sweet, with nice art and a nice story. If you haven't read the original, or an alternate translation, and this is your first time, you'll probably enjoy it more.
One of my favorite mangas. The art is amazing and the story is charming. Good for tween and teen girls.