A quick, enjoyable read about human social and philosophical error. Godwin seems to barrow much from The Divine Comedy, Joseph Campbell, Shakespeare and many other classical works, too numerous to list. In a tale that is cosmic farce, Godwin throws in two original jokes.
"What is two hundred feet long, green, with warts all over and, sleeps at the bottom of the ocean?"
"Moby Pickle."
"What's purple, wears a Scout hat and stamps out forest fires?"
"Smokey the Grape."
(Hey, I liked them and silly fun is what reading is all about.)
"What is two hundred feet long, green, with warts all over and, sleeps at the bottom of the ocean?"
"Moby Pickle."
"What's purple, wears a Scout hat and stamps out forest fires?"
"Smokey the Grape."
(Hey, I liked them and silly fun is what reading is all about.)