The Wanderer Author:Fritz Leiber It began so quietly... So quietly that nobody except a few frightened scientists even suspected what might be happening... — Then suddenly one day, it was there. It came without malice, an elemental force, a climactic power greater than any the Earth had ever seen in its billions of years of evolution, a phenomenon which reduced this planet to th... more »e size of an anthill pushed out of the way by a bulldozer. Men called it the Wanderer.
Yet despite its vast impersonality, to each human being on Earth the Wanderer spelled something personal -- after all, death is very personal indeed. And the Wanderer meant death for millions. But for others -- many, many others -- it was something else again.
To millions of humans running like ants over the shifting crust of the Earth, the Wanderer came as terror, to overset the certainties of science, to wreck the world, but to open up the hearts & minds of humankind.« less