Helpful Score: 2
I don't know what intrigues me more: the book itself, or the wondering how close to life it really is. Cutler's writing is sassy and smart, and it makes you wonder how a girl who is clearly intelligent could live (or write about) such a lazy and shallow existence. This book is rampant with unprotected casual sex, drug use, and general backstabbing between friends. It was pure genius that smashed the New York City party life with the superficial-prudishness and egotism of Washington DC. The book does a great job of revealing how hypocritical our nation's capital really is.
One reason I found this book so enjoyable was because it's real. Not only does it mirror (I still want to know how closely) Cutler's time as Hill staffer, it also incorporates the many details of the capital that make working on the Hill so unique. I once interned in a Senate office, and there was more than one time I found myself giggling or saying "Yes!" because I recognized what Cutler was talking about. Seriously people, the "Me Walls" are not necessary.
Cutler throws in just the right mix of characters, each one typifying those staffers you would find on the hill. You've got the partier, the flirt, the nerd, the suck-up, and that rare person who genuinely wants to make a difference. In not shying away from reality, Cutler has managed to create a book that is more than just readable. It's a lesson in how not do things. This book made me question my internship - it made me wonder how crazy some of my coworkers were off the job. I was the girl who was there for a college class and for the experience. But, I have no doubts that there was a Cutler or two in our office. I don't want to know who exactly, but it does make you think.
I applaud Cutler for showing how shallow, power-hungry, and image conscious Hill staffers and their bosses can be. It makes you wonder how anything gets done Congress.
One reason I found this book so enjoyable was because it's real. Not only does it mirror (I still want to know how closely) Cutler's time as Hill staffer, it also incorporates the many details of the capital that make working on the Hill so unique. I once interned in a Senate office, and there was more than one time I found myself giggling or saying "Yes!" because I recognized what Cutler was talking about. Seriously people, the "Me Walls" are not necessary.
Cutler throws in just the right mix of characters, each one typifying those staffers you would find on the hill. You've got the partier, the flirt, the nerd, the suck-up, and that rare person who genuinely wants to make a difference. In not shying away from reality, Cutler has managed to create a book that is more than just readable. It's a lesson in how not do things. This book made me question my internship - it made me wonder how crazy some of my coworkers were off the job. I was the girl who was there for a college class and for the experience. But, I have no doubts that there was a Cutler or two in our office. I don't want to know who exactly, but it does make you think.
I applaud Cutler for showing how shallow, power-hungry, and image conscious Hill staffers and their bosses can be. It makes you wonder how anything gets done Congress.
Helpful Score: 1
Very very spicy, not for the reserved. If you like the social sexy set similar to Sex in the City, you will love this book.
Helpful Score: 1
If you are looking for an easy read with many dirty sexual references this book is for you. The main character is an extremely shallow woman that it is difficult to believe exists, especially in the town where I work everyday (DC). Of course she comes to DC by way of NYC. The fact that the main character is the author herself is even more amazing because she writes about all the dirty details of her sexcapades. I liked reading about the sexcapades much more than the end of the book when she begins to feel slight remorse for all the men she has objectified and the people she has treated badly. In my opinion it was way too late for anyone to feel sorry for this person that reaps what she sowed. All in all it is an intereting read if you want to know what kind of women rich married men are bedding and supporting while their families are none the wiser.
Trashy, but interesting.
I told myself in the beginning I would not beat up a book or an author, so I will have to keep this review short.
I am fine with an occasional sex scene or obscenity cast around - but this book was over the top and too much. Filled with sex, drugs and some work life, this book was not the "Washington Sex and the City" it was advertised to be. I felt that this book completely beat up Washington, DC and its residents. Being a new resident of the surrounding parts of DC, I didn't enjoy the negative connotation the city and its dwellers received.
I only finished because I could use it for two challenges and I am that girl who must give a book a fair shot. After 100 pages, I only had 150 some odd more to finish and couldn't walk away. Thankfully being stuck in a car helped finish it off. Unfortunately, living near DC, I was so excited to read this book and be able to know where the character was running around. I was let down.
I would not pass this book off to anyone.
I am fine with an occasional sex scene or obscenity cast around - but this book was over the top and too much. Filled with sex, drugs and some work life, this book was not the "Washington Sex and the City" it was advertised to be. I felt that this book completely beat up Washington, DC and its residents. Being a new resident of the surrounding parts of DC, I didn't enjoy the negative connotation the city and its dwellers received.
I only finished because I could use it for two challenges and I am that girl who must give a book a fair shot. After 100 pages, I only had 150 some odd more to finish and couldn't walk away. Thankfully being stuck in a car helped finish it off. Unfortunately, living near DC, I was so excited to read this book and be able to know where the character was running around. I was let down.
I would not pass this book off to anyone.
Pretty good book. They say it's fiction but the author was the girl busted for writing the blog called the Washingtonienne, which is exactly what the book is based on. Great for a quick read with a little excitement!
Simple but fun book. It is as pointless to read as everyone says! A young woman's experience well written. I think my friends and I have lived this!! Read it in four hours.
A page turner. I read it in a day and half. I could not put it down. If you are looking for a steamy novel, this is it!
I was not impressed by this book at all. It seemed like the author was working out a lot her issues through aimless sex.
Very scandalous and a bit disturbing - but a very, very fast read.
Scandalous and juicy. Against your better judgment, you end up loving the author of this story.
If you like to flip through US Magazine or the National Enquirer while standing on the grocery checkout line than you will like this book. Jessica Cutler has listed this book as fiction (probably to save herself from more lawsuits) but you will see that this novel is about her life and how she lived it in DC. Trashy, scandalous and downright mean Jacqueline Turner (i.e. Jessica Cutler) is a character your will love to hate. She starts a private blog telling her friends about her drunken one night stands, snorting coke in some obscene places, exchanging sex for rent, the bizarre sexual requests of married men, ranting on about how much better looking she is than everyone else and the one guy (coworker) she thinks she loves but yet didnt hesitate to tell everyone at work that he likes to be spanked. Her excessive lifestyle soon catches up to her when her private blog becomes a public scandal on Capitol Hill and gets her labeled as a DC slut. You hope she would have a revelation about herself and her life and what really got her there and I do believe there are glimpses of that but I think in the end all she seemed to learn was you can get whatever you want for free by lying and cheating and there are never any real consequences because there will always be a sucker that will pay for a pretty girl dressed in designer clothes tab.
A guilty pleasure..."trashy" beach novel, but def an interesting read!
Scandalously outrageous and apparently based on the authors real-life excapades. Every parents' nightmare, to be sure!
I loved this book...I read it in a day.
Really not that much dish in the book. A little disappointing.
This is a very dark look at the way single girls are getting around in the world these days. I thought this book was outrageous and frightening that it was vaguely autobiographical. That being said it was a quick read and had my interest.
The book was well written, however the plot left much to be desired. One of those books I only read because there was nothing else to read and someone gave it to me.
It's hard to believe that this is a true story!
pretty good contemporary fiction