An intriguing mix of old and new, The Watchmaker of Filigree Street tells a very visual tale, with elements of steampunk fiction. The book sets up to be about the mystery of bombings in London and about Thaniel Steepleton; more truly, it is about the watchmaker and the friendship between these two very different men. This is the debut novel by Natasha Pulley; I look forward to reading more.
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Reviewed based on a publishers galley received through NetGalley
Read my complete review at:
Reviewed based on a publishers galley received through NetGalley
The story starts out to be a thriller, with Scotland Yard being blown up by Irish radicals; but that story line is lost in the story of a Japanese Watchmaker who uses his 'special powers' to manipulate a young man (who he waited 10 yrs to grow up). The young man leaves his wife on their wedding night and becomes the watchmakers lover. The wife had repeatedly warned him that the watchmaker was manipulating him. Then she is made to look like a crazy woman. There are subtle messages here (or maybe not so subtle).
Cameron-Ashley H. (BigGreenChair) reviewed The Watchmaker of Filigree Street on + 464 more book reviews
A good read--fun and enjoyable, full of complications and well-developed characters, throw in a little mystery and fantasy, and it's a really novel plot.