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Topic: What is everyone reading???????

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stacy270 avatar
Subject: What is everyone reading???????
Date Posted: 2/21/2007 10:25 AM ET
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I'm reading Sacrifice by John Farris right now.It's pretty good.I've had it forever  but was just never interested in reading it!


I keep reading a horror book,then a chick lit or paranormal romance,then back to horror,then chick lit,ect,ect,Quite  a combo right?!

 So what is everyone else reading? And how is your book?


2bluestars avatar
Date Posted: 2/21/2007 10:35 AM ET
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I'm reading Family Inheritance, by Deborah LeBlanc, it's the first book I've read by her. It's pretty good so far. I also have her books Grave Intent and House Divided to read at some point.

One of my favorite books lately is Ghost Road Blues by Jonathon Maberry. It's the first in a 3 part sequel, can't wait for book 2, if you haven't read it, it's really good!

Last Edited on: 2/21/07 11:57 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Gashlycrumb avatar
Date Posted: 2/21/2007 12:49 PM ET
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I just finished reading White House Horrors edited by Martin Greenburg and featuring such writers as:  Edward Lee, Graham Masterton, Brian Hodge, Gary A. Braunbeck, Tom Piccirilli and others.

All the stories in this collection involve past presidents.  Some are creepy, some weird and one was downright funny!

Next up is either Tinker by Wen Spencer or Survivor by J. F. Gonzalez.

It's on my shelf now if anyone wants it. 

Last Edited on: 2/21/07 12:52 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
romeo avatar
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Date Posted: 2/21/2007 5:20 PM ET
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I just finished The Ruins by Scott Smith. I thought it was only so-so. At times it was just cheesy. I thought it was kind of generic. I'm probably gonna catch some flak for saying so because it got mostly good reviews. I'm reading now Bone Parade by Mark Nykanen and Killjoy by Julie Garwood. Killjoy is pretty good so far but I haven't read enough of Bone Parade to know how it is.

One of my favorite books is Marley and Me by John Grogan


Last Edited on: 2/21/07 5:48 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Stacy1 avatar
Date Posted: 2/21/2007 8:29 PM ET
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LatelyI haven't been able to settle on what book I want to read. I just got done reading Stephen Kings Lisey's Story. I thought the main story of the book was good, but it was a little dragging because of all the underlining stories. I understand that they were needed in order to have the book make sense, maybe if it written differently, it would have been a lot better. I see this as being a good movie though.

I'm currently reading Jodi Picoult's Plain Truth right now, and will post it to my shelf as soon as I am done with it. I don't usually keep her books after I read them. So far it's good though.

Last Edited on: 2/22/07 7:20 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
stacy270 avatar
Date Posted: 2/22/2007 9:54 AM ET
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Well darn,I've been contemplating just buying The Ruins because it got such good reviews but now I'm thinking I'll wait for it from PBS!!

Nancy-Let us know how you like Survivor!! I'm also thinking about just buying that one too!!

Is Ghost Road Blues horror?? Sounds interesting!

OT- If you like chick lit type stories-have you noticed that MANY are now in oversized paperback format? AND they jacked up the price by about $5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had a Target GC so I was looking at their books and MOST of tehones I wanted were oversized! I paid $13.xx for a regular ole chick lit book!!! I don't /won't do that often!!!


Last Edited on: 2/22/07 9:55 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
2bluestars avatar
Date Posted: 2/22/2007 2:22 PM ET
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Stacy, I'm pretty sure Ghost Road Blues is considered horror.  It's the first book in a trilogy, so it was all the set up stuff, it is VERY good.  It wasn't "scary", but had some heart pounding parts.  The book is well written, likeable characters etc...
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Date Posted: 2/23/2007 1:19 PM ET
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I'm finishing up Shadows Over Innsmouth-a compilation of Innsmouth-related stories-and I just started Heart-Shaped Box by Joe Hill (one of SK's sons).  So far they're both good.
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Date Posted: 2/25/2007 12:41 AM ET
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I am reading the new book by Amanda Stevens "The Dollmaker". Its pretty good I guess. Not as good as I thought it would be and I thought it was suppose to be scarey but I am only on page 162 and it hasnt been scarey yet, maybe a little weird. Its good enough to keep you turning the page though.


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Date Posted: 2/26/2007 11:57 AM ET
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Im reading Ghost Story by Peter Straub, its pretty slow going to start. I think its about to pick up though (I hope!).  I have Survivor on its way to me, now that one sounds creepy.
romeo avatar
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Date Posted: 2/26/2007 1:45 PM ET
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Survivor is more than creepy!!! It is Horror at it's best (or worst, depending on how you look at it). I've just ordered another J.F. Gonzalez book from Borders, I hope it's as good!
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Date Posted: 2/26/2007 5:38 PM ET
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Just started listening to  "False Memory" by Koontz. I'm reading "To Serve & Submit" by Susan Wright.
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Date Posted: 3/1/2007 11:08 PM ET
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I agree with Christa about Survivor,  I just can't put it down. I should have spent the day cleaning but instead I just kept saying I'm only going to read for an hour then I will get stuff done. Needless to say I kept reading and am almost finsihed, the housework will still be there tomorrow LOL!

I also must add its nice to know I'm not as strange as I thought in my favorite genre being horror, its nice to know there are other females out there like me. I think I will read Creepers next, don't know just yet I have a few others I can choose from.

Last Edited on: 3/2/07 1:02 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
Nightcrawler avatar
Date Posted: 3/2/2007 3:30 AM ET
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I'm reading In the Dark of the Night by John Saul
2bluestars avatar
Date Posted: 3/2/2007 9:00 AM ET
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Maya, please let us know how you liked Heart Shaped Box.   It sounds really good so I've added it to my wishlist.
dolllady avatar
Date Posted: 3/2/2007 11:59 AM ET
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I just finished reading The Store by Bentley Little. It was a good fast read and I loved it. I'm going to start Ghost Road Blues next.

2bluestars avatar
Date Posted: 3/2/2007 4:20 PM ET
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Brenda: The Store was one of my favorite Bentley Little books. Since you liked that one, you should read The Resort sometime.

I read Ghost Road Blues not long ago. It was one of my favorite books in '06. I can't wait for the sequel...I think it comes out in June or July.

Last Edited on: 3/2/07 4:48 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 3/2/2007 11:40 PM ET
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Currently, I'm reading Pride of Carthage by David Anthony Durham which is, of course, a historical fiction novel. At the same time, I am also reading Frankenstein: Prodigy by Dean Koontz. I'm also reading Visits From the Drowned Girl by Steven Sherrill. As of the present moment, I haven't the faintest what book I'll choose to read next. It's a tossup between The Portrait of Dorian Gray (one of my favorites) and Blood and Gold by Anne Rice

Frankenstein: Prodigy is fairly good. It's quite an interesting take on the conventional tale of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. I like the fact that it takes place in more modern times. It is a bit weird, though. It actually sort of reminds me of another book called Children of the End (by a different author). The premise for both books is quite similar.

stacy270 avatar
Date Posted: 3/5/2007 3:12 PM ET
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Alright,since I started this I've read "Valentines Day is Killing me and now Im reading "Over the Moon".
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Date Posted: 3/10/2007 2:18 PM ET
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I'm coming up on the end of Survivor by J.F. Gonzalez.  Excellent book but when everyone said it was sick, I had NO idea! 
Nightcrawler avatar
Date Posted: 3/11/2007 10:56 AM ET
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I'm reading Life Expectancy by Dean Koontz
stacy270 avatar
Date Posted: 3/12/2007 10:52 AM ET
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I finally broke down and bought Survivor.I also bought Ghost Road Blues.I just finished,"Jemima J" and "Conversations with a Fat Girl." Now I'm reading,"Deep in the Darkness."



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Date Posted: 3/13/2007 11:45 PM ET
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        With my reading split between my two fav genres horror  &  hardboiled crime, it can jump around a bit between the two, but after back to back re-readings of two of my all time favorite horror novels in SALEM'S LOT  (  I picked up the newest version, the "Illustrated" one with the outtakes from the original manuscript )  &  Peter Straub's GHOST STORY ( still as good as it was when I first read it almost 30 years ago! ),  I was ready to take a bit of a break from horror. So, I read Steven Sidor's SKIN RIVER then BUST by the awesome Ken Bruen  &  Jason Starr.

       Both of which were excellent.

       Now, I'm just begining Bruen's third entry into his Jack Taylor series THE MAGDALEN MARTYRS. After which devouring in a few sittings ( like I do all of the Irishman's efforts ), I think I'll be more than ready to get into some new horror.

      Like many other genre fans, Dan Simmons' THE TERROR  &  Joe Hill's HEART SHAPED BOX are at the top of my list for acquiring, but with funds a bit limited at the moment, I won't be making any hardcover purchases in the near future. Once my fortunes improve though, they'll assuredly be amoung my earliest acquisitions.

      'Til then though, it's paperbacks for me.

Nightcrawler avatar
Date Posted: 3/15/2007 10:56 AM ET
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I'm reading The House of Thunder by Dean Koontz
stacy270 avatar
Date Posted: 3/15/2007 11:49 AM ET
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WOW KONNIE!! You have so many GREAT Clive Barker books on your shelf!! (even The Books of Blood!!!).I've read them all but for anyone who hasn't read Clive Barker but is into horror you should go check out Nightcrawlers' bookshelf!!!

