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Topic: What are you reading??

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berd avatar
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Subject: What are you reading??
Date Posted: 7/10/2012 3:05 AM ET
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This forum seems awfully quiet so I thought I'd spice it back up again!

What's everyone been reading lately??  I have finished 2 Jane Green books which many of you have probably already read but I am behind on my books so I'm trying to catch up.  I read Babyville & also Second Chance.  I liked them both but I think my main complaint I have with her writing is that she tends to drag out story lines.  I also read Swapping Lives by her a few months ago & that was my complaint with it too.  I'm currently reading The Beach House by her but haven't gotten into the story enough to say much about how I feel about it.

So what are you reading now??

pinksparkleme avatar
Date Posted: 7/26/2012 9:33 PM ET
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I've been away for a bit, so I'll jump in here with ya, Amber! I just finished Star Struck by Pamela Anderson and I'm reading Retail Hell: How I Sold My Soul to the Store. It's been hilarious so far, especially for anybody who has ever worked in a store or with the public!

berd avatar
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Date Posted: 7/26/2012 10:44 PM ET
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Oh, those sound good, Brandi!  I haven't read them but I will have to check them out!

pinksparkleme avatar
Date Posted: 7/27/2012 8:17 PM ET
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I thought I wouldn't like the Star books, but they are actually entertaining. They have some graphic language and sex, so if you are easily offended they aren't for you. But I can overlook a lot lol

berd avatar
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Date Posted: 7/28/2012 1:03 PM ET
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That wouldn't bother me either!  I have a tendency to read a lot of books like that, haha!

sandi00 avatar
Date Posted: 8/6/2012 12:28 AM ET
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Hey Amber & Brandi!  Thanks for spicing up the Chick LIt board! 

I just finished "A Spring Affair" by Milly Johnson.  I've been searching out British Chick Lit authors (like Milly Johnson) since I've read most of Jill Mansell (who I love!!), all of Hester Browne and all of Sophie Kinsella/Madeleine Wickham.  I really liked A Spring Affair & will check out more from Milly Johnson.  If anyone has ideas of other British Chick Lit authors, I'd love to hear them.  I discovered Jill Mansell from a tip on here. 

I just started Veronica Henry's "Love on the Rocks".  Pretty good so far but I'm not into it far enough to give a strong opinion yet :-).


berd avatar
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Date Posted: 8/6/2012 2:09 AM ET
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Hi Sandi! Glad to see you join us!

I haven't read anything by Milly Johnson.  In fact, I hadn't even heard of that author! I will have to look into reading A Spring Affair.  I'm always looking for new authors to try!

pinksparkleme avatar
Date Posted: 8/10/2012 9:54 PM ET
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Sandi, have you read The Yorkshire Pudding Club by Milly Johnson? It sounds interesting, so I was wondering...

sandi00 avatar
Date Posted: 8/11/2012 12:48 PM ET
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Brandi, No I haven't read Yorkshire Pudding Club, but it does look like fun.  I just ordered "Autumn Crush" by Milly Johnson on ebay.  It got great reviews but I think it was only published in England.  I found it on ebay from a book seller in Florida for a few dollars, so I bought it & will post after I read it.

dcoxx avatar
Date Posted: 8/20/2012 9:43 PM ET
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Ovlivia Cunning.....Backstage Pass..... LOVE it :D I like Sylvia Day also, got 2 new ones sitting on the table, waiting to read... Just started this site... Posted over 50 books , and got 28 going out by Friday..hoping I can find new ones to read.... seems long waiting list.. If anyone has any suggestions..Holler :d

sandi00 avatar
Date Posted: 8/20/2012 11:20 PM ET
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Hi Donna, Welcome to PBS!  I know the waiting lists can seem long but sometimes they'll surprise you :-).  I love British Chick-Lit & some of them are kinda rare, but awhile back I got 2 wishlist offers from different people in one week.  Luckily I had credits on hand! lol  I always check the bookshelf of fellow chick-lit lovers cuz a lot of times I'll find something that looks interesting.  Happy reading!!

berd avatar
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Date Posted: 8/21/2012 4:20 PM ET
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Last night I started reading Maneater by Gigi Levangie Grazer.  I couldn't seem to get into it so I put it down after about 6 pages.  I'd never read anything by her before so I didn't know her writing style.  I probably won't ever try to finish it. I just have WAY too many books!

pinksparkleme avatar
Date Posted: 8/22/2012 9:48 PM ET
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Amber, I've had to abandon books before. I feel kind of guilty, like I'm going to miss something. But, like you, I have way too many books to kill time slogging through the crappy ones. I just finished Retail Hell and am starting Supreme Courtship by Christopher Buckley. I know it's not chick lit, but I've been in love with Christopher Buckley since my freshman poli sci class in college! lol He's hilarious!

berd avatar
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Date Posted: 8/24/2012 4:55 PM ET
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I'm glad that I'm not the only one to stop reading something!  I feel the same way about worrying I will miss something, but my TBR list is a mile long so I figure I might as well move on to something else that I will enjoy more instead of trying to force myself to read something I can't get into.

I've never heard of Christopher Buckley. I will have to check him out!

IndulgeYourself avatar
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Date Posted: 8/27/2012 4:47 PM ET
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Can I join this discussion?? I am currently reading Kristan Higgins (not sure if she is chic lit or romance - it's kinda both if you ask me). Anyway, I'm going backwards as I started wit Somebody to Love and loved it, then read The Next Best Thing as it also had some of the same characters in (loved that one too) and then I learned that  Catch of the Day also includes some of the same characters, but I should have read them in order. There is no steamy sex (which is OK but I do like some hot scenes in my books), but the romances and lives of the characters are so realistic and sweet that I feel like I'm friends with them and am sad when the story ends - even though the endings are all happy. Anyone else like this author??

berd avatar
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Date Posted: 8/28/2012 12:15 AM ET
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Hi Marilyn!! You are more than welcome to join us!  The more, the merrier!

Unfortunately I still haven't read anything by Kristan Higgins.  I have a couple of her books but just haven't had a chance to get to them yet.  I have way more books than I will probably ever have time to read!    I will have to hurry up & get to reading one by her so that I will be able to throw my opinion in! smiley

sandi00 avatar
Date Posted: 8/28/2012 1:08 AM ET
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Hi Marilyn!  Glad you added to the conversation!  I haven't read Kristan Higgins, but since you mentioned her I checked in to see what she's written.  Looks good & interesting!  That's what I love about meeting people here - I always discover new authors & it's fun to get recommendations from like-minded friends.

Amber, since you ditched Maneater what did you start next?  I haven't given up on a book in awhile, but there have been a couple that were close calls crying

Autumn Crush by Millie Johnson showed up in my mailbox the other day & so far it's been pretty good.  Too early to really tell, but I'll definitely be finishing it smiley

berd avatar
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Date Posted: 8/28/2012 3:26 PM ET
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I started Savannah Blues by Mary Kay Andrews, which I wouldn't really say is chick lit.  It hasn't been too bad so far.  I've read about 1/4 of it so far.  I am hoping to finish it pretty quick because I have a ton of books to get to after that! smiley

My TBR list keeps getting longer & longer, haha.

I need to start a list with authors to add to my list, which definitely includes Millie Johnson!

sandi00 avatar
Date Posted: 8/29/2012 11:01 AM ET
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Amber, I've read most of Mary Kay Andrews books & liked them. I listened to Deep Dish as an audiobook & couldn't get thru it because the narrator was so horrible, but ordered it as a paperback & liked it a lot.  That's when I learned that a narrator can either make or break a book!   Always wondered if she was considered chick lit.

IndulgeYourself avatar
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Date Posted: 8/29/2012 12:32 PM ET
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I just read my first one by Mary Kay Andrews recently - Little Bitty Lies - I think that was the name - I enjoyed it and have several others by her to go to yet. Several people have recommended Hissy Fit to me.

sandi00 avatar
Date Posted: 8/29/2012 12:55 PM ET
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Marilyn, I LOVED Hissy Fit :-)

berd avatar
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Date Posted: 8/29/2012 1:55 PM ET
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Well, now I will have to read Little Bitty Lies & Hissy Fit since both of you liked them!  My TBR list is never going to end, haha. laugh

pinksparkleme avatar
Date Posted: 9/4/2012 9:30 PM ET
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Finally finished Supreme Courtship. It was good, but not entertaining on the scale of his previous books. All in all, it was a tiny let-down. I'm craving chick-lit this time, so I'm diving back into the bookshelves. If I'm not back by morning send a search party! lol

pinksparkleme avatar
Date Posted: 9/21/2012 7:37 AM ET
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Reading "Thin is the New Happy" by Valerie Frankel. It's been pretty funny so far, and something I can relate to all too well. Amber, I finished "Dirty" by Megan Hart, and it was along the same line as "Star", but somewhat darker. Might be right up your alley! wink

berd avatar
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Date Posted: 9/21/2012 3:52 PM ET
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I may have to check into that one, Brandi!  I have the book "Thin is the New Happy" but since my TBR list is so long, I still haven't had time to read it. I keep getting more & more books & just keep running out of time to read!   Glad that you are liking it so far though. That gives me hope that I will like it too!

Right now I am reading Fifty Shades of Grey. I'm sure I will end up reading the next 2 in the series, but I will have to wait a bit since I'm WAY far down in the WL lines for both. frown
