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Topic: What do you do when….

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Subject: What do you do when….
Date Posted: 8/11/2024 1:48 AM ET
Member Since: 7/29/2010
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What do you do when you decline a request because of the requesters conditions and they PM with with attitude. I've refused to send books to some members do to their very picky conditions. The member than decided to PM me with major attitude because I refused them, they said my books don't meet PBS conditions and I shouldn't post. I just don't understand why one they think that BS and two why they feel the need to react in that manner. Can we block members so we don't have to deal with this kind of BS? And to the people with RC's why get an attitude with members who refuse to send to you? Most RC's I have zero issues with like odor and pets, but this member was super picky and just gave me a bad gut feeling about sending anything to them. Was I in the wrong for refusing? 



rebeccam avatar
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Date Posted: 8/11/2024 7:46 AM ET
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Are you declining these requests correctly or canceling them? If you click on  "does not meet the requestor conditions" they should never know who you are as it wouldn't go on the transaction archive.

It is your choice whether to send to someone with requestor conditions. What was the requestor condition you declined? Did your book meet the PBS conditions? The requestor might have been trying to help you learn the site conditions.

Mine get declined for water damage and stains so those books obviously shouldn't have been posted to begin with as they do not meet the site guidelines and are unpostable. Book Condition Criteria Some members don't understand books need to meet certain basic conditions to be posted here and that they agree to that when posting them so that is why I created a requestor condition.

I don't get upset at all when my book is rejected for not meeting the site criteria as I don't want to deal with RWAPing an unpostable book and dealing with all of that. But the person who receives it will need to deal with the problem book so that is unfortunate. I am also not upset if a smoking household declines as I don't want a book exposed in my house.

I hope your future transactions go more smoothly.

IlliniAlum83 avatar
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Date Posted: 8/11/2024 12:47 PM ET
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Michelle, sorry you had to deal with a disgruntled member. I have heard for years here that some have very picky RCs cause they are book resellers. I have never run into any that I suspected of that. I have mailed like new books to members with picky RCs without any conflict. 
But as Rebecca said, if you get that 'ick' feeling from someone just dismiss the request as not meeting their RC. When the box opens up for you to put the reason for declining, if the reason is they are just too picky, I simply repeat ' book does not meet your RC'. 

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Date Posted: 8/12/2024 12:22 AM ET
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I did put does not meet requester's conditions. I don't know how she knew it was me and sent that PM. I don't send damaged books since those are not allowed. I myself have received questionable books. It was a brand new book that I just couldn't get into so decided to post it. It just went to the next person in line and they were happy. Non smoking home but have pets and that was one of the conditions so that's why I declined. Dog hair gets everywhere no matter what. I've sent to people with RC's as long as pet free home wasn't on there. Only ever had one issue.  I don't know why the person got such attitude about it, just very strange they knew who to send the PM to after I declined.  I've made a note of their name so I don't send or request any books from them. 

IlliniAlum83 avatar
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Date Posted: 8/13/2024 11:19 PM ET
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Wow, that sounds like a mystery we will never solve ( how they got a PM to you since shouldn't have had that info). 

bookbuggg avatar
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Date Posted: 8/14/2024 9:12 AM ET
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"Dog hair gets everywhere no matter what."

Absolutely! Especially lab fur. I always decline pet ones because I have pets. Plus I think the reason why people don't want books that have been in a pet home is because of allergies and dander is just everywhere. If you keep things in a room where your pets don't go, the dander ends up there anyway.

rutabaker avatar
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Date Posted: 8/14/2024 9:54 AM ET
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If the member PMed you, could you click on the "ignore this member" at the bottm right of the PM? The member might still Pm you but their comment won't show unless you click "stop ignoring this member". You can't stop the member from PMing you but you don't need to read the PMs or engage in conversation with the member.

rebeccam avatar
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Date Posted: 8/14/2024 2:08 PM ET
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My personal messages don't have "ignore this member" just the discussion forum posts. The message could be sent to the PBS Team to deal with the sender of the message though or just ignore it and move on.

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Date Posted: 8/16/2024 2:04 AM ET
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Michelle, if you clicked "does not meet requetor conditions" and the member PMd you, please go to the bottom of the page, and under "company" click on "Contact Us." Use the Feedback option there to contact the Admin Team. Be sure to give them the book's title.