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Topic: When offering a special, how do most people do it?

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Subject: When offering a special, how do most people do it?
Date Posted: 2/28/2024 3:26 PM ET
Member Since: 11/12/2005
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I am offering a special on my shelf, and I assumed that most people ordered the number of books they needed and sent a message giving the titles of the free books.  Am I correct?  I ask, because the last several people who have taken advantage of the sale listed all of the books and then I had to send them credits back.  Can someone please let me know what the correct way to do it is?


lionrose avatar
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Date Posted: 2/28/2024 5:15 PM ET
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There is no right or wrong way to do it. But the way you describe it is how I do it and I think it's the easiest way. As the sender I ask the member to order a certain number of books and I'll use 'send to a friend' for the rest they want, so I'm only going to get credits for the books they actually order through the system but I'll have a record of sending all of them with a combined label. If they put in an order for the other books too, I'll ask them to cancel those from the order. You don't want to cancel the order yourself  because it knocks the book(s) off your shelf and you would have to find them on your transaction archive and/or repost them if you want to keep track of them. I'd prefer not to have to return or give back credits.

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Date Posted: 2/28/2024 8:27 PM ET
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You particularly want to avoid the refunding credits scenario if you don't use the site's printable postage, because if the package then goes missing in the mail, the system will refund the credits a second time..

hardtack avatar
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Date Posted: 3/3/2024 1:06 PM ET
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Isn't there an option to post a notice of a "sale" on your bookshelf when members go into your bookshelf to see if there are other books you have they might want?  I've seen these messages, but you only see them when you look at their bookshelves.  Plus some people post notices in Book Bazaar under Memeber's Thoughts. Which is a good place to look if you want a deal.

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Date Posted: 3/3/2024 1:46 PM ET
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I use the printable postage from the site, so I don't have to worry about that.  I think I do have the note about the sale on my bookshelf.  Do you think that I should put on it to just message me the free book(s) that are being requested.?


Sherry avatar
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Date Posted: 3/3/2024 7:48 PM ET
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There is a post in the Book Bazaar (red sticky at the top of the page)  ****** Mega Deal Thread for Deals offered by members ******

I try to keep it updated, but unless people use the forums, they wouldn't be aware of it.  

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Date Posted: 3/4/2024 8:52 PM ET
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Yes, Thomas, you can do that in your  Bookshelf Public Header, which you can access from the yellow bar at the top of your bookshelf.

The Book Bazaar  is a really good option for book deals. And you can see how other people set up their deals there.

Last Edited on: 3/4/24 8:53 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 3/4/2024 9:05 PM ET
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Yes, but what I am having issues with is people knowing about my special on my shelf and then they order all of the books they want, so I am having to send credits back to them instead of them just messaging me and asking for the free books that they are interested in.
