Maddie has panic attacks in large crowds. When she was a teenager, she invented a suitor, a fiance, to get out of going to balls and other events. However, the fiance she thought was fake? Well someone with that name does really exist and he got her letters. Logan read her letters and they gave him hope- of a sort. He and his fellow soldiers came home from war to find their families, homes, and land gone. They had no where to go, so Logan goes to Maddie to marry her (for her castle and lands).
What follows is a marriage of convenience. I didn't care for Logan at first, because he threatened to blackmail Maddie, but I eventually grew to like him. Feelings develop (what a surprise!). I thought they both complemented each other and made each other better. Maddie is able to go after her dream (to illustrate for a set of encyclopedias).
What follows is a marriage of convenience. I didn't care for Logan at first, because he threatened to blackmail Maddie, but I eventually grew to like him. Feelings develop (what a surprise!). I thought they both complemented each other and made each other better. Maddie is able to go after her dream (to illustrate for a set of encyclopedias).