This book is the sequel to "Bright Captivity", which began the saga of Anne Couper Fraser, her marriage to John Fraser of England, and her years spent in London. This books opens with the return of the Frasers to St. Simons Island. If you are have read other Eugenia Price books, you will be re-acquainted with the McKays of Savannah, the Goulds of St. Simons and others. The Coupers were one of the noble families of the Georgia Coast in the mid-1800's. Anne's life is one of great love and great sorrow.
The third book in the trilogy is "Beauty from Ashes"
The third book in the trilogy is "Beauty from Ashes"
Book 2 of the Georgia trilogy.
Great interesting read of the South and their mindsets and customs. I enjoy this type of historical fiction. These are real people with fictionalized thoughts and words, but researched so well.
Great interesting read of the South and their mindsets and customs. I enjoy this type of historical fiction. These are real people with fictionalized thoughts and words, but researched so well.
This is an older book club edition, it's a little worn, but definitely worth reading!
This is my favorite author. She didn't write a bad book!
A sad story but smacks of real life - historical story of love and slavery in St.Simon's Island in Georgia. Graphic descriptions of slave abuse.A good read
This is book two of the Georgia Trilogy.