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Topic: Wish List missing?

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bellemorte avatar
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Subject: Wish List missing?
Date Posted: 9/16/2024 11:41 AM ET
Member Since: 1/24/2015
Posts: 139
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Anyone else missing their 500-book Wishlist?  First time this has happened to me... wondering if it's a glitch? 

I've been a member since 2015 and off-on renew my annual membership.  Every time I renew, I have access to my 500-count wishlist again.  This time I renewed... and just realized - in absolute horror - that my wishlist was knocked down to 100.  I know this sounds silly... but I'm crushed about this lol.  I've had books wishlisted for YEARS and slowly climbed up the waitlist.  They are all gone now.  I can't even begin to remember all the books I had saved, but regardless, my wait time has now been reset on nearly everything.  So disheartening, I just feel like throwing in the towel and saying forget it.   Thanks for reading my whine LOL.  Anyone else experience this?  

rutabaker avatar
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Date Posted: 9/16/2024 1:30 PM ET
Member Since: 1/3/2010
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I just renewed in August and still have my 500WL.

You porbably need to contact TPTB and get it right again. Use the 'contact us' button at the bottom of the page or email

I'm sure you'll get your 500WL back, must just be a mistake because your post has the standard member symbol.


rebeccam avatar
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Date Posted: 9/16/2024 2:05 PM ET
Member Since: 9/25/2008
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It sounds like you let your standard membership lapse and you became an a la carte member that just get 100 on their WL. If that is not the case, your best bet is to contact the Team.

What happens if I don't renew in time and my Annual Membership expires? Can my Wish List be restored?

  • You'll get a 30 day warning email and a 7 day warning email, before the expiration date.
  • On the expiration date your Wish List will be cut automatically to 100 items if you haven't resubscribed.
    • The most recently-added items above 100 will be removed (they will be moved to your Reminder List)
    • If your Wish List is100 items or below on the expiration date, no items will be removed.
  • You will have 2 weeks "grace period" after the expiration date, in which to renew - if you re-subscribe during the grace period, your Wish List will be automatically restored to what it was (number of items, each item's place in the queue for that book) before the expiration date.
  • After the 2 weeks' grace period has elapsed, your Wish List cannot be automatically restored, but you can find the removed wishes on your Reminder List.
bellemorte avatar
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Date Posted: 9/16/2024 2:15 PM ET
Member Since: 1/24/2015
Posts: 139
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Hi Rebecca.  That sounds like that's what happened.  Thank you for the info!   After I had a minute (or several) to be dramatic... I decided to take it in stride, bc I have no intention on abandoning ship lol.  Probably good to clear the attic a bit and start fresh.  I was wondering why my Reminder list was so full.  :)

Last Edited on: 9/16/24 2:16 PM ET - Total times edited: 1