wish list want!
Manga! Manhwa! shojo ramance/fantasy/comedy ,action
dark romance!
List created by Patricia H. (quiteavarity) on May 7, 2012
List Votes: 1 Books: 3 Contributors: 1 Watchers: 0 List Type: Open
List created by Patricia H. (quiteavarity) on May 7, 2012
List Votes: 1 Books: 3 Contributors: 1 Watchers: 0 List Type: Open
Patricia H. (quiteavarity) |
Arcana Volume 5 (Arcana (Tokyopop)) by So-young Lee
Ezekiel visits his long-time "acquaintance" Lord Minos, a high-level but tarnished elf who only seeks pleasure, fun, and youth in the City of Ecstasy. Minos' love for Ezekiel is evident, but apparently Ezekiel has a different agenda... From the creator of the bestseller Model!
Book Votes: 0
Patricia H. (quiteavarity) |
Arcana Volume 4 (Arcana (Tokyopop)) by So-young Lee
Lilith places Kyrette and Inez under a hypnotic spell to get to Yulan, whose true motives are revealed when he deserts Inez in this crucial time of need. Now alone, Inez has to face grave danger--with nothing but the dragon essence to protect her. If Inez can't save herself, who will save the... more
Book Votes: 0
Patricia H. (quiteavarity) |
My Boyfriend is a Vampire, vol. 1-2 by Han Yu-Rang
Vampires like you?ve never seen before in this 320 page genderbender shoujo comedy.
My Boyfriend is a Vampire is an all new shoujo comedy series in the vein of Vampire Knight, presented in two-volumes-in-one omnibus format. Seven Seas will release the entire angsty series across seven... more
Book Votes: 0