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Book List - Wishlist Multiples

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List created by Jennifer G. (mrmagoo) on Jan 2, 2011
List Votes: 1 Books: 5 Contributors: 1 Watchers: 5 List Type: Open
Jennifer G. (mrmagoo)
The Unwritten Rule by Elizabeth Scott
Everyone knows the unwritten rule: You don’t like your best friend’s boyfriend. Sarah has had a crush on Ryan for years. He’s easy to talk to, supersmart, and totally gets her. Lately it even seems like he’s paying extra attention to her. Everything would be perfect...  more

Book Votes: 0
Jennifer G. (mrmagoo)
Big Slick by Eric Luper
All in all, sixteen-year-old Andrew Lang has been dealt a pretty good hand in life. Sure, he has to spend his afternoons slaving away in the hellhole that is his dad’s dry-cleaning business, but even that’s not so bad with Jasmine, the seriously hot Goth-chick senior, working right...  more

Book Votes: 0
Jennifer G. (mrmagoo)
The Extraordinary Secrets of April, May, & June by Robin Benway
I hugged my sisters and they fit against my sides like two jigsaw pieces that would never fit anywhere else. I couldn’t imagine ever letting them go again, like releasing them would be to surrender the best parts of myself. Three sisters share a magical, unshakeable bond in this witty...  more

Book Votes: 0
Jennifer G. (mrmagoo)
Our Tragic Universe by Scarlett Thomas
Can a story save your life?  Meg Carpenter is broke. Her novel is years overdue. Her cell phone is out of minutes. And her moody boyfriend?s only contribution to the household is his sour attitude. So she jumps at the chance to review a pseudoscientific book that promises life everlasting.  But...  more

Book Votes: 0
Jennifer G. (mrmagoo)
Vintage Veronica by Erica S. Perl
Veronica Walsh is 15, fashion-minded, fat, and friendless. Her summer job in the Consignment Corner section (Employees Only!) of a vintage clothing store is a dream come true. There Veronica can spend her days separating the one-of-a-kind gem garments from the Dollar-a-Pound duds, without having...  more

Book Votes: 0

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